Chapter 2 Maggie's P.O.V

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"Not a problem love," Liam said in his cute British accent. "So are you fans at all?"

Turns out we were huge fans, like from the beginning when they were on the Xfactor. Kathryn and i knew almost everything about them. Hair color, favorite food, all of that great stuff.

"Yes we are," chimed Kathryn,"Could we maybe get a picture with you?"

"Of course," said Liam. Kathryn and I took out our camera and took a few pics with the guys.They were so nice and sweet about it. when Niall said

"what brings the two of you to Disney world?"

"Were here for the Goofy challenge this weekend. How about you guys?" I asked them

"Same as you guys, I finally convinced Niall that he had to run this thing." Liam said excitedly, "and get him off the couch as well."

"Hey!" Niall shouts. All of us just kept the conversation going until we made it to the loading zone for Test Track.

"So should we all just ride together." Liam asks.

"Yea, why not," I said, "It'll be fun!"

"Okay," says Liam.

"How many," asks an employee.

"Uh, 4," Niall said

"alright line 6 please," says the employee. Then we all walked over to the line and hopped in test car. Niall and Kathryn took the back row while Liam and I took the front.

"This is gonna be so much fun," i heard Kathryn say to Niall.

"Yea a blast," he said back. Then the car took off and off we went...



Hey guys,

so i hope u like this chapter and maybe give me some feedback. What do you think is is gonna happen on the ride? Just a heads up i will be writing the next chapter in Liam's Point Of View and the one who narrates her name is Maggie.

thanks again

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