Chapter 3 Liam's POV

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Hey this is Liam's POV and it goes back to when maggie runs into him and all the way through the ride.

Finally, I was at my favorite ride in all of Epcot at Walt Disney World. Test Track, with my best friend Niall Horan. I have always wanted to run the Goofy Challenge there. It took A LOT of convincing but i finally got Niall off his feet to do it. Now Niall and I were standing line talking when someone ran into me.

"I'm so sorry," said the girl as i turned around. This girl was the most beautiful girl i had ever seen, she had chocolate pools of brown eyes. Her hair was perfect brown with suttle blond natural highlights. She also had the cutest American accent. She also had a friend who was just Niall's type.

"Not a problem love," I said,"Are you guys fans at all?"

"Yes we are," her friend said. the girls pulled out there camera's and took some photo's with us. These girls were pretty funny when it came to pictures. when Niall said,

"What brings you to Disney world?"

"Were here to do the Goofy Challenge this weekend. What about you guys?" said the one I liked.

""Same as you guys, I finally convinced Niall that he had to run this thing." I said excitedly, "and get him off the couch as well."

"Hey!" Niall shouts. While we were waiting for the ride, the girls and us just kept talking. I found out there names were Maggie and Kathryn. It seemed like we talked for only minutes when we reached the loading zone for Test Track.

"So should we all just ride together." I asks.

"Yea, why not," Maggie said, "It'll be fun!"

"Okay," I say.

"How many," asks an employee.

"Uh, 4," Niall said

"alright line 6 please," says the employee. Then we all walked over to the line and hopped in test car. Niall and Kathryn took the back row while Maggie and I took the front.

"This is gonna be so much fun," i heard Kathryn say to Niall as the ride kicked off.

On the first hill there are bricks that your test car drives over, Maggie was making funny noises over them you could here Niall and Kathryn laughing in the back at her. Next, it was the break test. Maggie was leaning into me, she's so cute when she is nervous. there was some more to her and i were laughing the whole time. Maggie's laugh is contagious! Then there was the crash test, my favorite part. Her, not so much, her face went as white as a ghost she leaned on me and screamed as we went out. Niall doing the same to Kathryn. after we were outside, Maggie had her hands up shouting and having a good time again. Maggie was looking so pretty, her laughing and hair blowing in the wind. That in that moment right by the camera,

I kissed her.


so how was that!

wern't expecting that wern't you! ibet you were Not!

so have any of u read my other story Love in London

i want to do the same thing as a codeword

so this chapter is...................

bah bah bah,



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