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They crossed the line. They were warned about the consequences of having a child and yet here they were, standing in front of the gem encrusted golden gates in the middle of nowhere, yellow grass extending endlessly in all directions.

A beautiful, young woman with sea-green eyes looked at her blissfully sleeping baby nestled in it's father's arms. She gently whispered,"Oh what are they going to do to us, to you my little dew drop?" tears slipping down her delicate face.

An equally charming young man gently wiped her tears, his olive green eyes shining with tears of his own "I'll make sure that they won't even lay a finger on her." His jaw was clenched.

"Please stop yourself from doing anything irrational. I know you are angry. We all are. But anything we do right now will risk our baby. We have enough to deal with." He looked at her and his chiseled features softened,"I'll try, I promise." She nodded and turned towards the gates.

Her hands trembled as she reached forward to open them.

"It's going to be alright," He whispered gently, tucking a loose strand of dark hair behind her ear,"We will make it through this together."

Finally, when they realized that they were ready to face whatever lied on the other side, the golden gates creaked open and revealed endless stretches of lustrous green grass and trees bearing crystals and gems.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?", a deep voice startled them.

They were so enchanted by what lay before them, that they hadn't noticed three figures standing beside them.

They were dressed in black lustrous capes with elaborate

golden embroidery and wore a golden amulet which had a

carved symbol that depicted the four elements of nature.

One of them was an attractive young man in his 20's. Flowers and vines were wrapped around his neck and had seemed to have climbed up into his hair. "It's called the Garden of Emperium." He said, "It is the only place where portals can be created and destroyed." His forest-green eyes carefully examined the baby.

A lady with jet-black hair falling down her shoulders, stepped forward,"The magic is so powerful that if misused, it can end several lives in less than a millisecond, especially if the person misusing it is powerful too." She too focused her gaze on the baby.

One of them who was silent all along walked towards the couple,"The reason why we are telling you all of this is because we are aware of what happened the last time a diverian was born and embraced. We are not ready to face those consequences again." She shudders, her sea-green eyes focused somewhere into the distance, "Coming to the point, we have decided to send you to the human realm, Earth. It has been a hard decision to make, considering the important role you have played in our world. Once she turns 18, we will bring her back, but until then, she is a human."

A look of rage crossed the father's face which slowly morphed into a look of sorrow. The couple sighed heavily in agreement. The three ministers nodded sympathetically and joined their hands to form a triangle. They started chanting an incantation and in a flash, an electric blue hole appeared in between them.

"When you are ready."

Lands UnknownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora