Chapter 3

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I stand, my mouth hanging wide open, I am pretty sure that my lower jaw is touching the ground. This is where I am going to stay. It stands proudly surrounded by the lush green gardens flowing with blooms of every color that can be imagined. It's white marble practically glows in the sunlight with tall spires rising up in every corner. Tinted black, the window panes wink under the sunlight as if daring me to look away from this wonder. White swans paddle gracefully in the crystal blue pool right in front of the house. It was simply magnificent, better than every house I ever dreamed of living in. No, this wasn't a house, this was a mansion. A huge one. Even Queen Elizabeth would leave her palace to come stay here. Is anything impossible in this place? Apparently stopping that guy without dragging us into the mess was impossible. Two giant marble staircases having jeweled banisters lead to the entrance of two wings present on either of the sides of the house. The main entrance has finely polished wooden doors big enough for a giant to walk through. The handles of the door are made from finely carved red crystals. PURE red crystals, giant enough to be seen from where I'm standing. What is this obsession everyone has with ridiculously expensive and shiny rocks?

Then those giant doors open without so much as a creak. A man with hair as red as fire steps out of the house and is immediately followed by two girls who I assumed are sisters. The man who is now walking towards us is wearing a white button-down shirt under a brown coat. He was tall and amazingly muscular for someone so thin. His eyes wrinkled at the edges when he smiled. The two girls stand beside each other, behind the man who is now standing directly in front of me.

The elder one looks like she could cut a tree in half. She walks with grace and agility. She had a slender body, full of sharp angles. It was the body of a fighter. Her rose red hair is woven into a crown braid. She wears a sleeveless blue shirt and black jeans. Her fingers carefully caress a silver locket hanging from a thin black metal chain around her neck. Her sap green eyes never leave my face, she is examining me like I just landed here from another planet. Wait, that's exactly what happened. I look away and focus on the other girl. And she is nothing like the other one. If anything, they were the exact opposites. She wears a pink jumpsuit on top of an off-shoulder white top. And let me tell you, she had the world's sweetest smile. Her silky cherry red hair fell down her shoulders in loose curls. Olive green eyes. The same as my dad's and his sister's. Now I'm definitely sure. I just met my cousins. I smile back at her. Like any human would. Sorry any person would.

"This is 'The Thorne Manor', it's where you will be staying. I am Tierra Thorne and I am your father's sister. But I think you already know that. That is my husband Cruz and my daughters Tria and Tyra." she said while pointing at each person. So, Tria is the one staring (and she is still staring, won't that girl stop doing that?) and Tyra is the sweet one.

Tierra and Cruz are absorbed in a conversation when Tyra suddenly gestures to me to follow her, after which she suddenly takes off running towards the "manor". Tria just shrugs at me and takes off after her. I hesitate for a moment and run after them. I don't ask them to slow down.


After climbing multiple staircases and taking multiple turns in multiple corridors and stumbling upon different rooms that you don't find in ordinary homes (There is room full of lethal weapons, complete with a fighting ring), we finally reach a room. One : The room can accommodate 20 people easily. Two: Supposedly, this room is all mine. Three: I have the most beautiful view of the entire universe. I can see a whole city. Every house in the city is as big as the one I'm in, and I can see turrets and roofs of every colour and type. It is nothing like any city on earth. It isn't congested. It is so organized and modern. I can't explain how but I just know that it is a city. The mansions are painted orange by the rays of the setting sun. I can see all of this through a simple, plain glass window.

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