Chapter 5

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I try to manipulate the moisture present in the atmosphere to penetrate into the withering sapling in my palm. I end up changing...nothing at all. It's not the process that's hard, waking the power inside is. It refuses to leave the state of dormancy that it got accustomed to in the past fourteen years.

I am a divarian and so is Rix. A divarian is a person who is capable of manipulating two or more elements. My mom's Arledgean, she can manipulate water and dad's a Vyntrevor, he can manipulate land or nature ( Basically the Earth element but in Elmoraan). So, I'm half Arledgean and half Vyntrevor. Rix is half Zephrian and half Incaendean. His mom is Zephrian and dad is a divarian- half Zephrian and half Incaendian. Now you might be wondering, what if the parents are both divarian and have all four elements? It's not necessary that the child will be divarian. He or she could be of any combination or can be of only one element. Can a divarian be born to a couple having the same element? No, that's not possible. Only three divarians survived 'The Tragedy'. Me, Rix and of course the one who was responsible-his father, Victor. Victor has been hunting down all the divarians since the past 25 years, hence the name- 'The Tragedy'.

It's a Saturday and I'm waiting for Tria to come and declare the plans for the day. She did that every weekend. I look up, failing to wake my power, again. My room is plain, I don't bother decorating it, it would seem permanent, I don't want that yet. The only things I brought back from Earth were Aira, a rose gold pendant with the symbol of a graceful bird with extremely long feathers, a picture that my family took when we were in Rio. It consists of a small me, mom and dad and is now stuck to the headboard of my four poster bed. It is a beautiful bed. The canopy is a network of intertwined vines which has vibrant white wildflowers blooming every day. It is decorated with golden fairy lights which run on the green energy they absorb from me when I sleep. The appliances here are Earth inspired but they have been modified to run on the elemental energy. Depending on your element, you buy appliances or you modify them to suit your sciences. I have appliances that run on both blue and green energy. I love the tech here, no side effects on the environment.

"Knock, knock!"

"Come in! "

The door opens and a smiling Tria comes inside. She had a crown of flowers nested on her head. Her usually braided hair was now cascading down in curls till her waist. I'm sure that she looked at the mirror a lot today. This can only mean one thing. Jaydn would be accompanying us.


Tyra wasn't joining us, I noticed. She must be meeting up with one of her many friends from the Academy. The girl is famous. I wouldn't be surprised if half of the world knew her. Well, she does have the world's sweetest smile and the world's purest soul. Doesn't have one bad bone in her body. If she wasn't a spitting image of her sister, I would have firmly believed that she is a secret descendant of an angel. Tria is a devil. Uuh, a good devil.

We start walking towards the stables (that's where Jaydn would usually be on Saturdays). The thing that is freaking me out right now, is the cheeky grin plastered on her face. I should remind her to take smiling lessons, she needs them, 'cause with that smile, she'd send children squealing. I make out the large figure brushing a brilliant white stallion as Jaydn. He is basically a mass of strong muscle. He is easily the strongest and biggest guy in the academy. He smiles as we approach, a big bar of dark chocolate in his hand, "Hey angel, chocolate?" I shake my head, I had my fair share of chocolate that day " Oh, You're there too strawberry head! And what's with the flowers?"

Tria does an epic eye roll, "Ha ha very funny, you giant troll."

I chuckle, their banter is NEVER boring. I walk over to my horse, Crackle, and start braiding its obsidian mane. This is a part of our normal schedule. I love running my hands through his silky mane. He is the only animal I managed to talk to and I think it's majorly because he has strong feelings. And right now he is assessing me with those intelligent eyes, wondering if I am going to stuff the candy crystals into his mouth. I discovered that he likes the alquino flavor. Neigh. "Yes, the one I always keep in my pocket." I reply. The horse can apparently hear my thoughts. Neigh. "Yes, you." I can't hear its thoughts though. "Stop sniggering, Crackle." This horse needs to be stopped. I informed professor Amita about my condition of being able to talk to animals. She said that it is pretty rare but it is found in people now and then. Professor Amita is the only one other than the ministers, the Thornes and Rix, who knows that I'm divarian. It is necessary to keep it a secret with Victor killing off all of the divarians. Professor Amita gives me secret Arledgean lessons in my dorm and so far...I'm not excelling in it. Like I said, my power simply refuses to wake up, but I'm doing well in my Vyntrevor lessons which I attend with the others.

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