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The clock read 5:50am.

Burrowing deeper into the soft king sized mattress, I adjusted the duvet contemplating on whether to get out of bed or not.

Being an early riser by nature, I took a deep breath, crawled out of my comfortable bed and headed for the dresser.

Last night, Lead Mutt and his goons had  showed us our individual rooms and I must say, the style of my room was quite okay.

I took a long shower, allowing the warm water cascade down my body. I took my shampoo bottle and squeezed a good amount of it into my palms.

Washing my hair which was cropped, I enjoyed the scent of raspberries. It was made by Wilson's wife, Ema specially for me.

I got out of the cubicle and brushed my teeth.

A soft knock sounded on the other side of my door. I made my to the door, tightening the bathrobe I was wearing.

"Hi", a soft voice echoed as I opened the door. It belonged to a petite girl, probably about 5"2? She was cute I had to give it to her.


I couldn't tell what she was, she literally had no scent. None.

I was confused. Everyone had a scent, no matter the specie.

She looked timid, shifting from one foot to the other.

"What are you?", I asked, looking deep into her eyes.

She looked unsure as she answered,
"Your tour guide for your stay?".

Oh my dayssss.

I rolled my eyes at her answer and explained myself.

"I meant your specie", I said placing emphasis on specie.

Her eyes widened in understanding,
"Ohh that!". She let out a nervous laugh and cleared her throat.

She mumbled something.

I caught it though, my hearing was heightened.

"Interesting", I said, gesturing for her to enter which she did.

I told her to take a seat in the chaise lounge and I moved to my suitcase pulling out my outfit for the day.

I could care less about the fae human girl in the room, I took off my bathrobe and heard her sharp intake of breath and felt her gaze run up and down my body.

I put on my underwear and turned to get a good view of her face; her head was bent down as she fidgeted with her fingers.

Feeling the uneasiness roll off her in waves, I pulled on my ripped baggy jeans and paired it with a cream coloured turtleneck bodysuit.

As if on cue she lifted her head and gave a shy smile.

"What's your name dolly?", I questioned, slipping my feet into a pair of ankle boots.

I felt her gaze on me, obviously analyzing.

"Rae", she softly mumbled.

"Cute name. I'll stick to Dolly", I concluded which earned a light chuckle from her.

I placed my necklace around my neck and played with the half heart on it, casting my mind back.

Dolly didn't seem to be afraid or wary of me, which was new. Not that I delighted in people fearing me, I honestly care less what people feel towards me providing that they're not all up in my business but Dolly here didn't seem to be fazed that I was a Vampire.

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