Chapter 4

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*Colleen's POV*

"If you try ANYTHING, I'll kill everyone one you love, COLLEEN BALLINGER!" he snarled quietly. "How... how do you know my name?" I whispered shakily.
"It's not like you're a small, regular resident of Burbank, is it?" he answered, "Just so you know," he began again; adjusting his innocent looking hat, "I know you're pregnant."
My mouth dropped; I was dumbfounded! Josh and I hadn't told anyone yet; not even our families! "How-"
"SHUT UP!" he growled. He began to push me to the back of the store, knife still pressed to my throat. I went with him; there was nothing else I could do. We left my whole cart behind; food, purse... phone. My only hope now is for someone to find it all.
Whilst we were slowly proceeding to the back door of the store, I began to get mad. Mad! Really mad! Mad at America; how on Earth can someone get away with kidnapping a grown woman at a grocery store full of people?!
But there's nothing I can do about it. Boy, am I glad I said "I love you" to Josh, because that might have been the last time I'll ever see him again.

*Josh's POV*

I feel really bad about not letting Colleen go out. I mean, she's a grown woman, for Pete's sake! I tried to keep my wife, a grown woman of 32 in the house... I was acting as if I were her dad! Gosh...

I'm still kicking myself and she's been gone for an hour and a half now...
Hold on.
An hour and a half?
No no no no no... Something must have happened! It should only take HALF an hour to go to the store and back! No no no no... I have to call her; see if she's ok!
As if God heard my thoughts, my phone starts to ring. 💏💍Colleen💍💏 It reads.
I pick it up hurriedly and answer. "Oh thank G-" I start to say; I'm interrupted.
"Is this Joshua Evans?" A woman on the other line asks. My heart rate begins to quicken. "Yes," I say, "has something happened to Colleen?!"
"Ummmmm... Well, sir, we don't quite know..." the woman says.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I laugh nervously.
"Well, I was just walking down the bread aisle, and I found her shopping cart. It's been abandoned; everything still in it." I can practically HEAR the woman cringing with sympathy for me. I'm silent for a moment.
"I'll be there as soon as I possibly can."

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