Chapter 5.5

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*Colleen's POV*
"ExCUSE me?!!!" I gasped.
"Honestly," he continued obliviously, "it can harm the baby!" He was of course being sarcastic. It was only then that I realized the scent was MARIJUANA, not burning grass. I laughed at myself in my mind; how stupid of me!

*Josh's POV*
"You're very lucky I'm a detective, sir, because anyone else would have stolen everything and left." the woman told me. She handed me Colleen's things; her handbag, phone, and lip balm. Oh, that sweet peachy lip balm...
"Yes... Thanks again, Detective." I said. She gave me a sympathetic smile.
"Well, uh... Where do we start," I asked, "...we need to find her asap and get her out of the clutches of the piece of shit who took her!"
"Yes, I understand that, Mr Evans. We could start by looking at the security footage from the last couple hours?"
I sighed. "Yes of course; anything."
"Alright; well, I've got my badge, so I can just present it and say I've got a warrant to search the footage, I guess... Let's go." She lead me further down the aisle and through a dirty back door at the end of it. The floor was so dusty that we left footprints when we disturbed it. But ours weren't the only footprints there. And I wasn't the only one who noticed it; just as I opened my mouth to tell the detective, she looked down and spotted them too.
"Do you think...?"
"Yes, I do think so." she said. We treaded carefully around them, so as not to disturb potential evidence, and found a small desk at the back of the room holding a large box-like computer.
The detective wiggled the mouse, and the computer rebooted. She clicked a button in the bottom right corner,,and typed: '10/17/18, 1500 hrs'
The footage that was playing live zoomed backwards as if rewound, and stopped when the numbers in the right corner read '1501 hrs'.

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