Chapter 5

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*Colleen's POV*

A number of curse words shot through my head; but I daren't do anything, because he might use these on me! Though, I have no doubt he will anyway.
"Holy SHIT! What the HECK?!" I remarked.
"Yes yes... Well, if you cooperate, I'll have no reason to use these on you..." He mumbled dismissively. I kept following him for a while- "This house must be HUGE.." my mind says- until we stopped outside a very...DECORATED... room. There were posters of the Nazi symbol plastered across the walls, and a very large shrine to Hitler in a candle lit corner.
"Sit down." he grunted, gesturing to the desk laden with old parchment, ink bottles, and fountain pens. He had very old fashioned writing; cursive linked.
I gingerly took a seat. I became aware of the ever-growing scent of burning grass.
"Colleen Ballinger?" he asked curiously. I nodded silently. He frowned, looking exceptionally confused. "You're sure?" he asked, slightly rougher. I nodded again.
He opened his mouth, as if to speak, then closed it again. He lifted his arm and waggled his finger at me. "Strange, strange," he told me, "I wouldn't have seen a pregnant woman buying illegal drugs..."

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