Mission complete

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Still stuck in a trance by the thick red liquid continuing to pour from his throat or maybe it was because of the thrill and shock of my first kill but whatever it was had me excited and in a trance, that trance was broken when I felt a vibration in my pocket.

This vibration was caused by my silent alarm telling me the cameras were going to come back on any minute which meant I was standing here staring at my target's bod- well now dead body for at least 15-20 minutes tops so obviously I sprinted my little fast ass out of there.

Thank god for all the stamina training I was forced to go through and of course the food I had before I left helped to, Dino nuggets and Mac & cheese but I don't mind it because it's one of my favorite meals coming second to pasta. I'm not allowed to have either of them that often only when I did super well in training or on my birthday.

10 minutes later I'm out of the house and caught some distance between the house and I so that was my cue to call my ride back cause they had the wrong bitch if they thought I was walking my ass all the way back to HQ.

I'm now waiting on my pick-up admiring the stars, I've always have I don't know why, well I like them because they are beautiful and calming but there's another reason, I feel connected to them like I'm being pulled to them, they pull on my heart strings, tugging on them which is weird because I always have my emotions off so there should be no reason why they can tug at my heart as hard as they do.

As I'm looking at the stars trying to figure out why they make they feel this way I see a bird-like aircraft and then it hit me, that's the avengers aircraft they call the quinjet and I roll my eyes and say "ugh dumbass avengers" they raided the base four years ago but I wasn't allowed to help because I was only 10 at the time and supposedly try to take me from hydra, I don't know get why they would want me though not like I'm anyone special or important but whatever.

They are lead by the self righteous Captain America and playboy jackass Tony Stark or Iron-man as people call him but they also have a redhead on the team that Hawkeye supposedly took under his wing she doesn't help on mission though I don't why because from what the file states she's a year younger then me too bad she's on the wrong side, we could have been friends or maybe more.... WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME, FRIENDS, MAYBE MORE?!?! Yeah I definitely need some sleep cause somethings wrong up in that head of mine.

As if on cue my ride pulls up and I get in, after 5 minutes the driver speaks "So I don't get a hello" that's when I finally realized who's driving "Winter!" I yell excitedly I'm happy he picked me up so I could tell him all about my first mission. Ever since we first met when I was 6 he's been like a big brother to me "Hey my little soldier how'd your mission go?" He asks with glee "amazing" I continue to explain in great detail what happened "That's awesome, Red you're a natural" I smile at his praise and the nickname.

Red and Little soldier were his nicknames for me since everyone at hydra called me The Red Soldier, mine for him were Winter and Wolfy since his aliases were Winter Soldier and White Wolf. I would tell him who I really was if only I knew and I know he would do the same but I get the feeling he doesn't know who he really is either which has me wondering what else hydra is actually keeping from us.

We spend the rest of the ride chatting about random things including his missions, he also brought my favorite snacks which I promised not to say anything about because we weren't allowed to have them. Winter has always protected me and even took two of my punishments which were the ones that could have killed me because I was too small at the time.

(Back at HQ)
Pierce: "I think it's time"
Strucker: "Time for what sir?"
Pierce: "Time for our little assassin to meet her big brother"

~𝔸/𝕟- 𝕆𝕠𝕠𝕠 𝕔𝕝𝕚𝕗𝕗𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕕 𝕠𝕗𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕝 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕖𝕣  𝕚𝕞 𝕖𝕩𝕔𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 (●'◡'●)ノ~

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