You Got Me

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Benjamin walked in his home after a long shift. He reeked of smoke and he just wanted to lay down.

He looked around the clean living room. The house had an icy chill from the air blowing. It was almost as if no one was home. But he walked upstairs.

He hoped his wife actually stayed home and didn't go to work. Her having a heart attack was the scariest thing he'd ever gone through.

He never thought that his wife, Miranda Bailey, would endure something like that. She was his entire life and he wanted to keep her safe.

Opening the door, he looked around the dark atmosphere.

He stepped in and shut the door. He heard the bed rustle a little and realized Miranda was asleep.

He removed his shoes and slowly walked to look at her. She was curled up into a ball laying across the bed. Her arm tucked underneath her head.

He chuckled and smirked looking at her. His heart warmed knowing she was safe and comfortable. He loved her so much and she was so beautiful in her sleep.

He quietly walked into the restroom and began to shower. He massaged his back and neck from the heavy lifting he did. He exhaled as he felt himself growing tired.

He turned the knob and the water stopped dripping. He stepped out with the towel around his waist and walked over to the sink.

He was so ready to lay down with his wife. After brushing his teeth he cut the lights and threw his boxers on. He didn't feel like putting anything else on.

As he walked to the bed he seen rolls of paper, various tubes of various sizes, and pencils. He shook his head, his wife wouldn't stop working even if she was bedridden.

So he quietly grabbed it all and placed it in a box. Pulling the covers back he crawled in before snuggling next to her. Like instinct Miranda moved closer throwing a leg across his body and her hand rested on his chest.

"Ben?" He heard her murmur. He rubbed her arm and she scooted closer. "Go back to bed babe" He whispered.

She snuggled into him and put her hand to his neck. It was warm and slowly lured her back to sleep.

"I love you baby..." she whispered then he heard the low breathing that indicated she fell back asleep.

"I love you more..." Ben smiled to himself before falling asleep himself.

The next morning he woke up to tiny taps on his cheek. Opening his eyes and stretching he turned to see his wife. "Finally you're up. You sleep like a bear." She laughed.

She wiped the crust from his eyes before giving him a kiss. Ben turned to her holding her close.

"How long have you been up?" He asked rubbing her face as well.

"It hasn't been long since I woke up. I just wanted to wait for you." She spoke sweetly. Ben smiled before kissing her forehead.

"How are you feeling? How's your scar?" Ben asked her. He turned grabbing new bandages to replace. He sat her up before pulling her robe off and taking her left arm out her shirt to lower it.

"I am feeling fine and my scar is itchy." She screwed up her face. As he applied the cold cream to her stitches she exhaled.

"I just want to itch it so bad!" She whined. The cream helped so much. She could only change her bandages twice a day.

"I know honey but just try rubbing the gauze where it itches lightly and it should help." He said taping the bandage to her skin.

His fingers lingered on the gauze as he stared at it. Miranda looked at him closely knowing it was bothering him.

"I'm okay Ben..." she whispered lifting his chin. She looked into his eyes.

" I know, I just wish I could've protected you more. You're my wife and I should've done better." He shook his head disappointed.

He lowered his head again rubbing her thighs. She was his happy place and vice versa. Nothing could beat having his wife near him.

Almost losing her made him truly feel how strongly he was bonded to his wife. He felt almost like he had been taking advantage of time and space.

He never wanted to feel like he lacked moments with his wife. He wanted to create so much in there time together.

"Ben you did everything you could do. Im the one that didn't allow you to do more. This is not your fault." She reached his eyes before lifting his chin to look at her.

"Even though you're stubborn, it's not your fault either. I just wish I was there with you. If you hadn't of made it... I don't know what I would do." He looked at her seriously.

She never acknowledged the fact that there was a chance she wouldn't have made it. She didn't allow herself to see how dangerous it was.

"I cannot begin to understand how that made you feel. It was a scary situation for everybody, but Ben I didn't mean to put you through so much fear. I'm so sorry." She whispered tearing up.

"You just have to let me in more. Even if it's a bad day... I wanna know. You can unload it all on me and I'll still love you the same." She nodded.

"Thank you Ben. You're so understanding and forgiving. I don't consider you enough and I'm sorry for that. Just don't give up on me." She whispered.

"Never." He started hugging her. He didn't want to over do it so he started letting go. Miranda gripped him tighter and Ben chuckled rubbing her back

"Let's take a trip. Somewhere far away with just us. Let's make everlasting memories while we have the time." Miranda whispered.

Ben pulled away

"You mean it?" He asked holding her face in his hands.

"Book that trip and we will be on our way. No more taking life for granted. I want to spend everyday with you and Tuck. You guys are what matter the most" she smiled.

He held that goofy grin on his face that had Miranda giggling like a teenage girl. She mushed his face. No matter how long they've been married he always knew how to make her nervous.

"Done and done! Go pack your bag Miranda Bailey Warren." He stated before jumping up and running out the room.

She didn't know where he ran off to but she smiled watching him leave. The bittersweet joy of being alive filled her soul.

Finally she realized her time was now. Time to relax and sit back for a while.

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