I'm yours right now

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It's been so long since she was accompanied by her now husband. Ben Warren. They'd just gotten married and he left for his Surgical Residency at UCLA.

She missed him dearly but she covered that feeling up with work. No need for sulking. She was strong enough to wait because she knows he'd do the same.

Even though her loneliness ate at her, she couldn't accept it or she would lose it. Today made 3 months since she last seen him.

They talked on the phone everyday but physically she was short of his love.

After her twelve hour shift she made her way home. In her car she'd gotten a call from Benjamin. Her one and only, so she hurried to press the green button.

"Hey babe." His deep voice sprang through the car speakers. She smiled hearing his voice. It was such a beautiful sound.

"Hi Benjamin. How are you?" You could hear her smile.

"I'm good. How are you?" He asked her.

She made a couple turns while still on the phone. It went silent for a while before she finally spoke up again.

"I miss you so much Ben" She huffed and she heard Ben exhaled.

"I miss you more Miranda. But you'll see me soon, I know that for a fact."

"No don't promise me that. We both are very busy and I don't like broken promises."

"Where are you anyway?" He sounded curious

"I am pulling into my drive way. Hold on let me take you off speaker." The movement hushed before she spoke.

"Hello?" Her keys dangling in the background

"I'm here."

"Oh okay. Oh there's a box on the porch. I don't remember ordering anything." Bailey spoke looking at the package.

It said her name but she was not trying to bring a bomb into her home. Maybe it wasn't but it's still dangerous.

"Take it and I'll be there soon to open it with you." He laughed irritating Miranda.

"Ben stop playing. You're across the country. I'll be waiting forever." She smacked her lips

"Whatever you say Miranda Bailey."

She heard her doorbell ring. She looked around knowing it's too late for any visitors.

She slowly walked to the door still on the phone. As she peeped through the hole she seen a man.

"Who is it?" She yelled out. The man looked up and her breath nearly went missing. She pulled away momentarily thinking she was going crazy.

"Miranda baby, open up." She heard on the other side and on her phone. Now she wasn't really going crazy.

"Ben this isn't you." Maybe she was hallucinating.

"Open and you'll see." Ben laughed.

"No this isn't you. This can't be you because your in LA." She said tearing up.

"Nothing a quick flight can't fix. Don't leave your husband in the cold."

She took a breather and held the door knob. Turning it She snatched it open and there stood her man.

She gasped before breaking down and holding her hands to her face. Ben walked to her pulling her into a hug and kissing her forehead.

"What are you doing here?" She asked wiping her eyes. She really couldn't believe he was actually here and she was holding him.

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