Close to you

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The morning after...

She slowly opened her eyes as to adjust to the sunlight. Her face was deep within the pillow and her body was deeply tucked into the bed.

She slowly turned over taking extra caution of her sore limbs from all the activities of last night. She closed her eyes still stretching out her limbs.

Her hand moved up to her face and she peaked through her one open eye. The shining ring on her hand nearly blinded her. Even though she's stared at it many times before, this time was different.

Just last night after 10 years of marriage, Ben proposed to her again. She accepted almost immediately. She didn't really have time to bask in the feeling because afterwards they dove right in each other.

She smiled exhaling as she fiddled with her ring. She turned it against the light and when she was finally ready she got out the bed.

She dropped the satin sheet that stuck to her body and walked to her closet. Afterwards she took a shower and did her morning routine.

Walking back into the room she looked around the clean room. Then the tray on the bed caught her attention. It had the most bright flowers and best looking breakfast anyone could ask for.

Walking in her cami and short set, she picked up the card.

To my Beautiful heartbeat. Good morning my love and I love you so much."

~Sincerely, Your Husband.

She reread the note over and over. She didn't even hear the door open and close. She felt heavy hands rest on her shoulder and she leaned her head back.

Opening her eyes she stared up into Benjamin's face. She smiled and brought her hand to bring him down for a kiss. She gave a light kiss before turning in his arms to hug him.

"Good Morning and I love you too." She said inhaling his scent. She moved to stare back up at him and he gave her a wink.

"Did you eat your breakfast?" He asked quietly. His eyes slanted with slight wrinkles.

Miranda turned to sit down and began eating. She smiled shaking her head yes. He walked over to the other side and sat down as well.

They chatted while Ben kept sneaking most of the food he made for her. "Now I thought you made this for me?" She asked chewing on her bacon.

"I did. But what's yours is mine and this looks really good." He chuckled.

"Well give my regards to the chef." She smiled and Ben leaned over giving her a big kiss on the lips. She let out a laugh as he fell over her .

He wrapped his arms under her thighs before lifting her up and scooting off the bed. He lifted her up to secure her in his grasp. Miranda wrapped her arms around his neck.

He walked over to the sunlight and turned her to where it was hitting her face directly. He let her down on her feet and held her cheeks in his hand.

"So you really want to Remarry little ole me?" Miranda asked caressing his back. Ben laughed lowering his head before he lifted it to look at her.

She never could get tired of his smile and she melted right with him. She began smiling hard.

"Hell yeah. Life long sex partner, and we make good money together." He joked. Miranda pushed his stomach  and began pulling away.

"Oh that's all it is to you?" She jerked her hands away. But Ben pulled her back to him and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"No I really want to keep you with me. You're my bestfriend and I love you. I can't even see myself living without you. You're my girl." He sweet talked.

"No thought we'd end up just friends?" She asked sly.

"Is that what you want?" He walked closer to her.


"Good. I have enough friends." He whispered before lowering his mouth to hers. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck as she pushed into him, deepening the kiss.

Pulling away they looked at each other. Miranda looked at him smiling brightly. She leaned her head back slightly to hold the tears filling in her eyes.

"I would marry you everytime Benjamin Warren." She whispered trying to hold in the quivering of her voice.

Benjamin looked down as he seen the tears flow out the side of her eyes and down her cheeks.

God he loved her so much. All he could do was lift her in the air and twirl her around. That's how he felt. Like he was floating on air.

The love of his life Miranda Marie Bailey-Warren.

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