Chapter 1 - Adopted

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Picture of Ivanna


With awareness of the rain, Meredith drove the car over the black concrete road, lights on full beam. Ivanna, with a blank face, watched the oak trees pass by. Her headphones were messing up her curly hair but she didn't care the slightest bit.

"How are you holding up back there, Ivanna?" Meredith asked while she steered the vehicle.

Ivanna continued looking out the window.

"Come on, I know you can hear me. You just wear those headphones to prevent people from talking to you, I know you're not really listening to music."

Ivanna muttered, "I'm fine, thanks."

"Are you sure?"


"You don't seem—"

"If you know why I'm wearing headphones then why do you keep talking to me?" Ivanna asked, barely concealing her irritation.

"Because it's anti-social and rude. Don't you want to make a good first impression this evening?"

"Not really."

"Your new foster mother is very excited to meet you."


"Cool? That's it?"

"Look, Meredith, I'm not sure what you want me to say. She's just going to be the same as every foster parent I've ever had. She is going to be super excited to welcome me into her home and then a year or so down the line, she'll say she can't connect with me. That I'm too cold and distant."

"Perhaps you should try not to be so cold and distant this time. You're going to be eighteen soon. You know once that happens, foster care will no longer be able to help you. You got very lucky that this lady wanted you."

Ivanna sighed and remained silent for the rest of the ride.

They came to a stop in front of a two story house.

"We're here," announced Meredith.

Outside of the house stood a blonde woman with short hair who seemed to be in her early forties. She held an umbrella in the rain.

Meredith stepped out of the car while Ivanna stayed seated.

"Are you Celina Armani?" Meredith asked as she approached the blonde woman.

"That's me," she responded.

"Hi, I'm Meredith Bernal from Redford's Foster Care. We spoke on the phone a couple of times last week. It's very nice to meet you."

"Is she here? Is she here? I can't see her!" Celina almost interrupted.

Meredith was surprised at Celina's sudden outburst.

Celina regained her composure and apologized, "Excuse my bluntness. I'm just very excited to meet my new daughter."

"Well, you needn't wait any longer, ma'am." Meredith smiled, then turned her head in the direction of the car. "Ivanna, get out of the car. Come say hi."

Ivanna rolled her eyes and stepped out of the car with her carry-on luggage.

"Mrs. Armani, I would like to introduce you to your new daughter, Ivanna Strongheart."

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