Chapter 2 - The Hacker

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Picture of Alexander

Ivanna saw her reflection in a puddle. She was a black wolf with blue eyes. She screamed. She lifted up her hand which was now a paw. She turned around and saw a tail. She began running around, panicking.

"You need to calm down or you won't change back," Adam advised.

"Tell me what's going on!" Ivanna cried.

Adam held Ivanna's snout and looked into her blue eyes. Somehow looking into this young man's eyes subdued Ivanna. Ivanna reverted back into a human. She lifted up her hands and was relieved that she saw palms instead of paws.

"You are a werewolf," Adam said bluntly, still holding Ivanna's face.

"A what?!"

"You've reached the age."

"What are you talking about?"

Adam let go of Ivanna's face, "Your body is going through changes. You have always been a werewolf."

"That can't be! I was always human!"

"Ever noticed you were different from the other kids in your life?"

"Well... I always just thought that I had very good hearing and sense of smell. People thought I was weird because of it."

"And you do. You've always had your werewolf powers... it's just when you reach a certain age it becomes a lot more intense. Your speed, strength, hearing, and your sense of smell become powerful... and the beast finally gets unleashed."

"But—but I wasn't trying to unleash any beast! I didn't even grab the bunny that hard!"

"As a young werewolf you don't know your own strength, you have to learn how to control your powers. You are at the age where it's harder to blend in as a human now."

"So what you're saying is... I'm going through some werewolf puberty?!" Ivanna cried.

"Yes, you can call it that.

"No!" Ivanna cried, "This can't be true! How do you know this? Are you a werewolf too?"

"No, I'm a vampire... and in case you don't believe me," Adam lifted a giant boulder that was nearby, "Here's your proof." He then dropped the boulder. "And I used my vampire powers to calm you down."

"Oh my gosh... does this mean my biological parents are werewolves? Is this why I was abandoned as a baby? Because they were evil people? And I'm evil too? This is why I'm so cold-hearted, isn't it? Deep down I'm evil..." Ivanna realized.

"I wouldn't know... I've never met a werewolf before. I've only read about them. Vampires and werewolves have been enemies for centuries. We are prohibited from talking to werewolves."

"Then why are you helping me?" Ivanna asked.

"Being a vampire is a lonely life and frankly I don't care about the rules anymore," Adam briefly said.

"Won't other vampires get you in trouble for talking to a werewolf?"

Adam chuckled and smiled sadly, "Wouldn't be the first time I got in trouble for talking to someone I wasn't supposed to."

Ivanna gasped, "If Alexander finds out I'm a werewolf he's going to kill me! He's literally going to kill me!"

"Who is Alexander?"

Ivanna cleared her throat, "He's a... hunter."

"A hunter? You have to stay away from him!"

"I can't..."

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