Chapter 11 - A New Way In

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"Gotta go, Celina is calling, bye!" Ivanna hung up.

She panicked. That's it. I'm going to die tomorrow.

Then she remembered that Edgar said he always left a little bit of code in his hacks. He could wipe it wirelessly if he needed to. She wondered if he can re-apply the hack wirelessly too. If he can, her problem would be solved.

Without wasting any time, Ivanna hurried to school the next morning in search of Edgar. Armed with her knowledge of his schedule, she knew exactly where to look- the chemistry lab.

"Edgar!" She called, entering the lab.

Edgar didn't even look at her. He was carefully mixing the chemicals in front of him, wearing goggles that protected his eyes from any potential splashes or hazards. "What do you want, Strongheart? I'm in the middle of a very important experiment."

"It's about the hack you applied to Alexander's phone."

"What about it?" Edgar asked, still working on his project.

"He noticed that something was wrong when he tried to update it."

"He tried to update it?"

"Yeah! It told him there was something not right about the code," Ivanna explained further.

"Well, that's because it had been hacked," Edgar stated the obvious. He still had not looked at Ivanna.

Ivanna groaned inwardly, "I know. But now he's wiped it and reinstalled it. It's back to factory settings. Please, you have to help me."

"Let's have a look," Edgar took off his goggles and his gloves. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He gazed at the screen for a moment and declared, "It can't be done."


"His sister must be very good at coding. I have no way of infiltrating the security on that thing now."

"No... there must be something you can do. There must be!" Ivanna pleaded.

"You're on your own, Strongheart." Edgar put on his goggles and gloves again and resumed working on his project.

Defeated, Ivanna walked out of the lab. What am I going to do now?

As she was heading to her first class of the day, she heard Alexander call out to her. She turned her head towards him and made eye contact.

"Ah, Ivanna. I've been looking for you."

As panic crept in, Ivanna attempted to tame her racing thoughts. As long as he doesn't use the app, I'll be okay.

She tried to act like nothing was wrong, "Hi, Alex!"

"I just wanted to let you know that I think I figured out the reason the app wouldn't work."

"You did?" Ivanna asked.

"Yes, it was hacked."

Ivanna acted surprised, "What? Really?"

"Yeah. A while back when you started at this school, Edgar made me drop my phone and it went missing for a while. He went missing for a while too. I think Edgar stole my phone to hack the app. Do you know what I'm trying to say?" Alexander hinted.

Ivanna gulped, "I'm afraid I do."

"I think Edgar might be a werewolf!" Alexander accused.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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