Chapter 6 - The Hunt

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As they rode in the Uber to the movie theater, Ivanna couldn't help but feel anxious. She had recently discovered that she was a werewolf, and being confined to a car made her long for the freedom of running on all fours at top speed. She knew she could get there faster than any car, but she had to conceal her powers.

They arrived at the entrance of the cinema. An employee was sitting at a booth, selling tickets while people were in line. Others were buying popcorn inside while others loitered around outside, trying to decide what movie they wanted to watch. This place was lively.

"Wow, it's very crowded here," Ivanna commented.

"Yep. The perfect place for a werewolf to strike," Alexander muttered.

"Do you think anyone here could be a werewolf?"

"Yeah, it could be anyone. They are very good at blending in. They look just like us." His eyes searched around, "That guy over there looks uncomfortable. Do you think he could be a werewolf?"


"That guy in the green jacket."

Ivanna saw the guy he was talking about. He was fidgeting with his finger nails and darting his eyes around.

"I don't know," Ivanna shrugged. "Maybe he just has social anxiety."

"Anyway, it's a waste of time trying to guess. This is where the app comes to use. It will scan his body and see if he's a werewolf. You scan him and I'll keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't run away."

Ivanna's eyes widened. She had Edgar hack Alexander's phone. But Edgar never hacked her phone. What if it accidentally scanned her? Alexander would find out she was a werewolf.

"Actually, can we use your phone, Alex? Mine died," Ivanna lied.

"Really? You were using it in the Uber. I could've sworn I saw half a bar of battery on your screen."

"It um... dies fast. I must've had a lot of apps open."

Alexander took out his phone and handed it to Ivanna, "Alright. We just need to catch the suspect."

Ivanna used his phone and scanned the area. A girl in the crowd saw that fidgeting guy and she ran up to him and hugged him. Looked like he wasn't a werewolf after all. He was just nervous about being on a date with a girl.

"Okay so he's not the suspect. Maybe they haven't arrived yet, or worse— they could be inside already," Alexander started running towards the entrance. "Come on, let's go in before it's too late."

Ivanna followed.

When they were inside the lobby, Ivanna scanned the people that were in line for snacks. The phone vibrated and the werewolf symbol appeared above a man with blond hair.

Ivanna tugged Alexander's sleeve, "Alex, I found him," She whispered as she showed him the phone.

"Excellent," Alexander whispered back, "You hang back. I'm gonna sneak up on him, weaken him with a plume of iron, and drag him outside."

"Iron?" Ivanna questioned.

"My mother figured out how to turn iron into liquid. Iron is a werewolf's only weakness. If they breathe it in, it'll weaken them. And once they are down, I will use my iron blade and stab them in the heart. That's how you kill a werewolf."

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