Chapter 5 - Little Brother

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Ivanna prepared for school the next morning at a snail's pace. She had a long night of training.

She was going to pour herself a bowl of cereal until she saw Celina had made her another delicious breakfast. It was a bowl of oatmeal with chocolate chips and berries. Celina was pouring a glass of fresh apple juice.

"Honey... can we talk?" Celina asked in a voice as soft as snow.

"Okay..." Ivanna eyed her suspiciously and sat down at the table.

Celina placed the glass of juice in front of Ivanna and met her with eyes of remorse, "I'm sorry. I should have never spoken to you like that last night."

"That's right. You shouldn't have."

"Can you forgive me?" Celina asked.

Ivanna wouldn't meet her gaze, "No, I can't forgive you."

"I understand... I guess I was very out of line, wasn't I?"

"Yes, you were."

Celina sighed, "You know what, Ivanna? I think it's time I told you why I didn't want you in my office."


"Yes, really."

"Wow... I appreciate it," Ivanna said.

Celina swallowed like if it was a difficult thing to confess, "The truth is... I'm very embarrassed about what's in there. The place is a junkyard. I look all prim and proper on the surface but secretly, I'm a hoarder. I just can't bring myself to throw away all of the junk that I've accumulated. I didn't want you to find out because... I thought you'd think less of me."

Ivanna scoffed, "I don't believe you."

Ivanna remembered the journal she found in Celina's room.

Who is Jen? Ivanna desperately wanted to ask. But she couldn't. She didn't trust Celina and she didn't know if she was dangerous.

"Honestly, darling, I'm telling you the truth," Celina protested.

Ivanna studied her. Celina wasn't giving anything away. Her body language was completely calm.

I guess there's nothing I can do for now. "Okay, Celina. Thanks for talking to me."

Celina nodded, "I gotta get back to work. Have a great day at school, honey,"

Ivanna sniffed her bowl of oatmeal after Celina walked out of the dining room. Ivanna knew Celina didn't poison her food. Ivanna would be able to smell it with her new powerful sense of smell. She stuck the spoon in her mouth and ate quietly. Something is not right about that woman... I really don't like the way she snapped at me last night. I swear her notebook said she has someone locked in her office. I'm gonna have to try and get in there again at some point, but I'll have to leave it for now. She's going to be watching me like a hawk. I'll have to wait until her guard is down to try picking the lock again.


A few days pass with Celina watching Ivanna's every step.

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon and Ivanna had spent the day lounging around the house, watching TV. She was hungry and craved pizza, with extra sausage of course. Ivanna always craved meat when she was hungry. Of course you do, you're a carnivore now. Ivanna reminded herself.

I wonder if Alexander would like to get pizza with me? Ivanna checked her wallet and found that she had just enough cash to pay for a box. If she was going to be inviting Alexander, it was only fair that she payed for their pizza.

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