You can't runaway

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Taehyung : okay let's do anal sex

Huh? My whole body Froze. Obviously I know the meaning, but now badly traumatized with his this side.
Shit fucking ice cube!
How pervert he is!
I smile it him, smile in pain you can say!

Y/n : ha-haha t-tae

Taehyung : so bend over

I widen my eyes before making a evil yet succesful plan!

Y/n : o-oh ye-yeah wait lemme just get so-something for you! Wait wait

I said and start getting up from the tub! But he held my hand.
Ughhhhh God save me please again for the infinity time! ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
I turn around slowly smiling like a pyscho and then i look at his muscular fit hand! I
gulped down his hands are so manly oh wow!
Shit what the fuck are you thinking yn ughhh
God give me some power
I think for some sec!
He is still holding my hand!
You can say he is grabbing it.
I gently and secretly take out my leg from water, that he can't notice.
Then i hit his main part! He leave my hand groaning in pain while holding his that *part*..
i smirked before running away from the bathroom.

I wore payjama.
And i lock him in the bathroom.
God, he is so dangerous he can do something to me!
Like in ff after getting angry how they punished her,
no no i don't want that!
After Thinking so many negative thoughts. I run towards leaving room.

Sitting in the couch watching tv! Peacefully.
Cushion are on my chest.


Yn was watching a horror series while biting the cushion !
She was sitting like this

Yn was watching a horror series while biting the cushion ! She was sitting like this

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And taehyung whom she forget!
She forget she lock him in bathroom. She is lost in the movie too much.
And taehyung who's still in bathroom, bearing the pain she make.


Taehyung come out of the bathroom , after millions of struggle his eyes is blood red.
He is ready to kill yn

He start searching her in the room but she is not there, so he come out.
And stare at her figure who's watching the tv very intensely.
She doens't hesitate to notice him!
She was hiding behind the cushion whenever ghost appear
He stood infront of her, she again ignore him, after million of standing infront of her.
She notice him. His face !

 His face !

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𝗠𝗥.𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗖𝗨𝗕𝗘 (THV FF)Where stories live. Discover now