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*Michael's pov*

Mike Wazowski // 7:42am: see ya hokie

Hmm it is Friday, and I'm in 12th fucking grade. I wonder if I should go to school? I haven't seen my friends.. not friends. 'Acquaintances' in so long. Maybe I should? What time is it? 7:45am, fuck it. I'm going to go.

I throw on a navy blue jumper, black skinnies and my black converse and head down stairs.

"You're actually up?" says my mom.

"Yes, surprisingly." I say.

"Don't tell me... Early shift at GameStop?"

"Nope, going to school today mom."

She looks shocked. Good.


I walk into my first period class, and everyone stares at me. Did I do something or?

"Clifford? You showed up?" Mr. Psycho says, (it's not his name but i forgot his name so I just call him this)

"Um. yeah?"

I don't know if I should hate being here but today isn't so bad.

Mike Wazowski : Luna omg i'm in school wtf

Lunatic: wtf i thought you said you hated it?

Mike Wazowski: i did say that and i came for some reason and i have no friends omf

Lunatic : man if i went to the same school as you i'd totally hang out with you.. unless you're like 43 then that'd be weird

Mike Wazowski: im not 43 jesus luna i told you this many times i'm only 18

Lunatic: alright, alright. its lunch and im hungry help me

Mike Wazowski: same man i just want food

As I was walking and texting (bad idea don't do it) I walked into a girl, she probably didn't see me either because she looked just as mortified.

"I'm sorry I wasn't watching where i was going." i say and basically run off.

Mike Wazowski: i just crashed into a girl this is the most contact ive made with a female like ever

Luna: some guy ran into me too man but that isnt the most intimate i've been with a guy

Mike Wazowski: was the guy cute? cause im the only guy for you ok

Luna: nah he wasnt that cute, and okay michaelangelo

ayyyy guess who decided to update? lol
well i'm still alive. its been like 727284 months, i apologize to those who actually enjoy this story. slow updates to come, i actually have a few chapters already written so those will be posted when ever. i just felt like giving you guys something to read i guess. okay, beyebeyebeysbebeyyebeye
btw vote n comment n stuff pls
            - migs

Gamers // Michael Clifford AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora