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*Michael's POV*

After I leave school I decide to text Luna about what happened, since she's basically my only friend.

Mike Wazowski // 3:42pm: the greatest thing just happened to me tuna

Lunatic // 3:43pm: oh yeah? what was it?

Mike Wazowski // 3:44pm: Don't get jealous I mean I know we're already soulmates but I just talked to a girl. a pretty girl.

Lunatic // 3:45pm: damn son, you got game. what did you guys talk about? or how did this even happen?

Mike Wazowski// 3:46pm: well i was trying to leave school and as i was passing a class this small girl ran into me and she was so sassy and pretty and i think im in love

Lunatic // 3:48pm: calm down, do you even know her name?

Mike Wazowski // 3:48pm: of course i wouldnt say im in love with a girl and not know her name. her name is Sam. maybe it's short for Samantha.

Lunatic // 3:50pm: or Samuel.

Mike Wazowski// 3:51pm: you're just jealous that i found someone that i'm going to marry

Lunatic // 3:52pm: oh you're going to marry her now? does she know that?

Mike Wazowski// 3:53pm: uh, technically no. but who cares

Mike Wazowski// 3:53pm: btw are you down to play bo2 at like 4:30?

Lunatic // 3:55pm: yeah bro of course

Mike Wazowski// 3:56pm: good cause I missed kicking your ass


I patiently wait for 4:30 to come around, and I can't stop thinking about Sam. She seemed vaguely familiar. Hmmm. Probably had a class with her. She's so pretty, I can't wait to talk to her again tomorrow.

Lunaticx8 has joined your party

"ayyyyyy" she greets.

"accept my invite you butt" i say.

"chill, i will. ha that rhymed."

We join a lobby and start to play. I love playing online with Luna so much, she's basically like my best friend. I wish I could meet her. Oh man, I really want to meet her.

"Hey Luna?"

"Yes, Michael?"

"Where are you from anyways?"

After I said those words Luna starts choking like a mother fucker.

"Holy shit are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine, I just choked on something that I was eating. I'll be right back, gonna get a drink!" She replies.

*Luna's POV*

After a few days I finally get to play a game of call of duty with Michael. It feels like we havent played in years, although we haven't even been friends that long. We totally could have though considering that we go to the same school.

I join Michaels party.

"Ayyyyy" I say.

"accept my invite you butt." Michael says.

"Chill, I will. ha that rhymed." I say, letting out a chuckle.

We stay quiet for awhile, since we're both concentrating on killing the enemies. Until he decides to break the silence.

"Hey Luna?" He says.

"Yeah, Michael?" I reply.

Then he asks a question that I had hoped he'd never ask...

"Where are you from?"

hahaha oh fuck!!! michael is getting there!!
idk when i'll update next omg but ok hi and now bye friends

Gamers // Michael Clifford AUWhere stories live. Discover now