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*Michaels POV*

After Luna stops choking for what felt like an eternity, she finally says "I'm fine, I just choked on something that I was eating. I'll be right back, gonna get a drink!"

After she returns I decide to ask again.

"Sooo. you never answered my question." I say.

"Errrr, I'm afraid I can't say. It's personal"

"Seriously?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm sorry but I am still very uncertain that you're 18."

"Are you kidding me. Luna you and I are like best friends, and you can't even tell me where you're from?"

"I'm sorry, Michael. I just gotta skip that question."

"Wow, okay."

I can't believe it. After all we've been through, well.. I've only known her for like a month. But we've gotten so close.


"Is it already 12am? have we really been playing for 6 hours? damn" Says Luna.

"I guess so.. I gotta go to bed. First exam tomorrow. Guess what it is?"






"Yes, I'm so fucked." I didn't even study, I've spent my whole night playing Call of Duty with Luna. Damn it.

"Goodnight, tuna" I say as I leave the xbox party and shut my xbox off.

2 exams, then only half a school year left and i'm done. I'm gonna finally be fucking done.


I wake at 6:45am so I can cram some studying into my schedule. I fucking hate it but if I want to get out of high school, I need to pass the class.


Lunatic: 7:00am // can you fuck off I am trying to sleep

Mike Wazowski: 7:01am // harsh

Lunatic: 7:03am// sorry, thanks for waking me though, I have an exam today so i dont wanna sleep in.

Mike Wazowski: 7:03am // you're welcome. What exam?

Lunatic: 7:05am // english.. kill me now pls

Mike Wazowski: 7:05am // I would but then I wouldn't have any friends

Lunatic: 7:06am // haha funny. brb gonna get ready


I finally finish off my studying and get ready for school. I'm so fucking nervous.

I grab an apple and head out. I walk since I don't live too far and it'll probably be good for my nervousness.

As I arrive to school I see that cute girl, Sam.

I casually run up to her side and she looks bit scared.

"Sorry." I say.

"It's fine." She replies.

"What exam?" I ask.

She hesitates. "English."

"Ugh that sucks, I have science. although I'd rather have english than science. Wanna trade?"

She laughs, "I wish Wazow---" she freezes.

"What did you say?" I ask.

"Nothing, I just uh, almost sneezed." She replies.

"Well, bless you I think?" I say chuckling.

"I gotta get to class, cram in some studying. See you!" She says while running away.

I head up to my science class, hoping to have enough time to study a bit more.

As soon as I walk into the class the bell rings and I groan.

I guess I won't be able to study.

"Hello students, please pick a seat with an exam on it and don't flip until I say."

I sit in the back corner because I'm a fucking rebel.


"Okay students, pencils down. Time's up."

I totally fucking failed that exam. I totally fucking failed it.


OH SHITTTTt LUNA ALMOST BLEW HER COVER!! also when michael called luna his beautiful sunshine i died,,, is it possible to fangirl over your own story? idk i am anyways,,, okay idk when the next update will be but i know i have plans for this fic and i'm gonna start writing more!! also its been 3 weeks since one direction and 2 weeks since rowyso! did i mention that i met calum and ashton? best night of my life :-)) okay bye guys /// mig

Gamers // Michael Clifford AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin