Chapter 7: Assigning Teams

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August 16

I wake up, I get a notification about going to the Swordsman Troops HQ, I quickly get dressed, I grab my backpack, and I leave the Temple, since The Temple is on top of a mountain, I kinda have to jump down, there's a pathway, I only use it to walk to The Temple, not when I'm leaving it.

It takes me a solid thirty minutes to get there, I fight Wolves on the way as a Training Excersise. I make it to the HQ. “Sorry, that I'm late, Commander!” I say, putting my hands on my knees, catching a breath.

“Akihide, we have assigned you to a Trio with Two new People, Nicholas Drake & Terunosuke Miyamoto.” Terunosuke walks out. “We teamed up in the Woods of Doom, nice to finally meet you again.” He puts his arm out, I shake it. “Like Wise.”

Nick walks out. “Let's just get this over with,” He says. Walking out, Me & Terunosuke follow him.

As we're walking, we encounter a few deaths, I quickly draw my sword, Nick draws his Katana's. “Looks like we got fresh meat!” Nick says, getting in a fighting stance.

“Listen, we don't have to fight, we're just trying to get to a location we need to get to.” I say, stepping back a little. Nick looks at me, a bit pissed off.

“The Place where you're going is the Afterlife!” He spreads his fingers, and gets in a fighting stance, his fingers turn into claws.

“Since i'm a Dual Wielder, I'll take the one with the Claws.” I nod, He runs at the Death, and they clash.

The Death kicks Nick down, Nick does a Kip Up, i run at another Death, the Death has a Death Blade that says “すべての人間を殺す” (Kill All Humans), one stab, and im dead..

I dodge his blade, I stab his ribs, and I quickly take the Katana out, and I kick him away. The Guy with the Claws is Overpowering Nick, I kick the Death away, giving Nick a Prep Chance.

The Death with the Death Blade tries to stab me from behind, I dodge, I grab the Blade, it burns my hand. “Gah!” I step back, taking out my sword, my Katana clashes with his Death Blade.

I kick his ribs, and then I stab him, his body turns to ashes, along with his Death Blade. Me & Nick stab the Death with the Claws at the same time, the Death turns to ashes also, and Terunosuke stabs the last Death, making it turn to ashes too.

“My first ever kill... I feel different.” Terunosuke says. “Let's go..” I say, walking off, they follow me.

A few hours later, we're at a campfire. Terunosuke is laying down on a log, I'm sitting, reading a book on the Death's, and Nick is training.

I get a notification from Lance, it's a “Offer.”, Of course, the guy I am, I accept it, and now i'm on radio with him.

“Hello?” I say, “Hello.” Lance responds, he doesn't seem too happy. “I don't know who you are, but if your looking to kill us all, you're nuts, because we're killing you first.” Please, like he would.

“Oh really, you had like three weeks to do so, wanna know what i'm really thinking? I think you are full of shit.” I said, confidently.

“Oh really, Akihide?” I'm confused... did he just say my name? “Yeah that's right, i know your name, Akihide Osamu Akamatsu, born on October Fourteenth, we also know where you are. The Sword Temple up in the North.” I'm really confused.

“Wait... what are you doing?” I say. “With everything that's going on in the world, with the war, Do you really think anyone's gonna give a damn about some explosion in a Temple that's not even in the public?” Is he trying to kill Daisuke...?

“Lance, how'd you find out who I am and where I live?” Luckily, I was playing along with his game even tho I was scared as fuck, but I was actually with Nick & Terunosuke.

“Simple, we hacked into the Student Profiles for the Contestants in the Swordsman Troops Entrance Exam, i remember what you looked like, so I found you.” He says. “I'm so dumb...” I quietly respond.

“I know you are,” Lance says. “And then we found you, your name, your date of birth, place of birth, and current address, also we're finding your friends Nick & Terunosuke, but since Nick went under a fake name while taking the exam, it's gonna be a bit harder finding him.” He finishes his sentence.

“This is your last chance, Akihide, you join the Death's, or we blow you up, right now! And don't even try to make a run for it, because i have my hand on the detonator, so even if you try to escape, your gonna get blown to pieces, along with that old man who you call Sensei.” He says.

“Lance... can I just say one thing?” I say. “Sure, go ahead.” Lance responds. “You... and the Death's, your not gonna win, because we have something you don't, it's Knowledge, we have the books, we've got the advantage, we're gonna win, and YOU'RE GONNA GO DOWN FOR REAL!!!” I cut the radio, and I throw it away.

“Poor Choice of Words, also a Bad Move, Kid.” Lance walks to his seat, holding the detonator.

“I gotta go.” I say. “Where?” Nick says. “Something Important, just look out for Death's!” I grab my backpack, and i run to The Temple.

I'm running at full speed, i don't want my sensei to die, over two years, he was a great person to me. I climb up a mountain really quick, i run out of the forest, I see The Temple.

“EVERYBODY GET AWAY FROM THE TEMPLE, IT'S GONNA BLOW!!!” I scream at the Civilians, they don't listen. I run up the stone wall, and then I run up the pathway to The Temple, The Temple blows up, blowing me back a bit, all of it turns into fire, it falls my way, I run, it takes down the closest bridge to it, it blows me away, The Temple falls down, I'm on the edge of the Platform though.

I watch it fall, and it blows up in my face, my Sensei is dead... I can't believe it, I see my backpack is ruined, and my face is covered in smoke, I see civilians running, i walk away, sad and heartbroken. I grab my spare radio. “Call Nick & Terunosuke,” I say. “They need to know what happened.” I say, jumping down, I walk away from The Temple that's on fire.

Chapter 8 Soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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