The Group Assignment

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"Why are you both blushing all of a sudden? Oh my god, do you both like each other!?"

Ray and Norman look at Emma blushing and looking angry and both shout, "No!" Soon enough, Gilda walks up to the group.

"Hey, guys! Mrs. Isabelle wants us in class right away! Also, hey, Emma!"

"Hey, Gilda!" Emma says, with a shaky voice while waving.

"Well, we best go to class now. We don't want Mrs. Isabelle to be mad at us for being late."

"Ray is right, we should go now." Norman says, while blushing, still.

Everyone then walks to class seeing Don and Conny sitting next to each other. Conny was the youngest. She was about 15 years old. Don was 16 years old. Same age as Emma.

"Hey, Don! Hey Conny!"

"Hey, Emma!" Don and Conny say while smiling and waving.

Everyone then takes their seat.

"Hello, everyone! Right now, I will be taking attendance."




"Here, ma'am!"


"Here, and I don't want to be."

"No need to give me the attitude, Ray."

"Ahem. Gilda?"

"Here, Mrs. Isabelle!"



"And, Conny?"


"Ok, looks like everyone is here. So, today, class, we will be working on a group assignment and you'll have an entire week to finish it. The assignment is for you to make an entire farmhouse from the inside. The barn needs to include:
Pig pen
Cow pen
Sheep pen
And any other accessories needed or wanted to be included. Any questions?"

No one raises their hand.

"Good. Now time to pick your partners that I already chose."

"The partners are:
Norman and Ray
Emma and Gilda
And Don and Conny."

School bell rings.

Everyone gets ready to leave class and go home.

"Remember class, this assignment is due next week! You have today and the rest of the week to work on this! Work together! And don't forget to add the things needed! Everything is on this piece of paper!"

Ms. Isabelle passes out the sheet of paper.

"Well, looks like we're working together, Norman."

Ray then pins Norman to the wall.

"Come by my house at 7:00. And don't be late."

Ray leaves while Norman is pinned to the wall blushing and his heart racing.

Norman's thoughts: "What just happened?!"

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