Norman and Ray's Sleepover

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Ray is patiently waiting for Norman to come by. He checks his phone and sees it is "7:26".

"Where are you, Norman?" He says while pacing.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings.

"Oh my god, it better be Norman."

Ray opens the door.

"Hey, Ray! Sorry I'm late, my mom was yelling at me for not cleaning my room, heh."

"It's alright. Come on in, Norman."

Norman walks in while Ray stays behind and puts his hands behind Norman's waist.

"R-Ray, what are you doing?" Norman asks while blushing.

"Nothing. I can't hug you?"

"Well, you can. Just not in that sort of way. I kind of feel.. uncomfortable." He says with a nervous laugh.

Ray let's go and hugs Norman proberly. After, they both walk upstairs into Ray's room.

"So, this is your room? You have enough space for us to work!"

"And other things too, Norman~." Ray says in a flirty tone while walking up to Norman.

"Well, sit down, Norman. We have today and the rest of the week to work on this so, we don't have much time."

Norman and ray sit down, and Norman pulls out the blueprints he made while he was home.

"So, you were working on the bluprints while your mom was yelling at you?"

"Yeah, while I was working on this, my mom came in and said "Norman, look at this room! It's a mess! You better clean it up by tomorrow, or you're  grounded, young man!"

"And then I said, "Mom, it's not a mess! It's just that my bed isn't made and my backpack is on the floor. I also dropped some papers. I'll clean up when I come back  from Ray's house."

"Oh, wow! I just cleaned my room now. My room is probably worse than yours, heh-."

"No time for chit chat! We have to work on this! Now, this area over here is going to be the pig pen. We're going to need to work on the smaller area first so, I'll work on making the pigs and you do the troughs. One of them has to be filled with water, the other is going to be filled with food. And yes, we are making this out of clay. It's very important we let these harded. Now, let's get to work, Ray!"

Ray and Norman start working. Ray grabs some clay that Norman brought from the store and starts making the troughs.

"So, when I'm making the troughs, do I paint them?"

"Yes. The trough itself has to be silver, and the trough that has water is going to be painted blue. The trought that's going to have food is going to be painted brown and a darker orange. And don't worry, I bought the paint already, but we have to paint them after they dry. When we finish one thing, we do the next."

"Ok, Norman. Seems you figured out everything."

"Yeah, I thought of this when you pinned me to the wall at school."

Ray and Norman look at each other blushing.

"Uh, let's get back to work, Ray."

Ray smiles and continues to work. Then he get's on top of Norman.

"R-Ray! I said let's get back to work! What are you doing!"

"What you said, let's get back to work."

"I-I didn't mean it like that, idiot! I meant let's get back to work on the assignment! G-Get off!!"


Ray gets off of Norman and they both start working. Norman continues to blush.

"Ok, I finished the troughs."

"Ok, now you have the horse troughs, and the sheeps troughs. In total you should have six troughs made."

"So, six troughs made? While you work on the animals?"

"Well, yeah! I'm doing the build on my own. We'll work faster that way!"
"Really? You don't think we'll work faster together?"

"Do you want to do this together? If you want, after we finish the animals and the troughs, you'll paint the cardboard walls white, and I'll paint the base red. I'll also need to make the outside walls of the farmhouse red. If you finish on what I just assigned you, you can help me!"

"Ok, sure, Norman!"

Three hours pass, and Ray and Norman fall asleep. Ray wakes up and sees that Norman is laying on him. He then puts his arm around Norman and Norman gets closer.

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