Don, Watch Out!

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Don and the demon continue to stand infront of each other, staring into each other's eyes. Then, one of the demon's eyes move, looking at Emma.
"Don and Emma, whatever you do, do not panick or move. This demon seems to reflex on movement, so whatever you do, stand still. If you continue to look at it, the demon will go away." Raven says, terrified and confident.
Don continues to stand in front of the demon, terrified, feeling he is about to die right now. Suddenly, the demon leaves.
"Now is our chance, run into that house over there!" Raven shouts while pointing to the house across from them.
The demon looks behind and sees that Raven, Ray, Norman, Don, Willow, Alex, Emma, and Gilda running into the house. The demon swoops down, trying to reach Willow.
"Willow! Watch out!" Emma shouts with caution.
It was too late. The demon had bitten Willow's head off with blood gushing out of her neck and her body falling to the floor.
The demon drops the head and takes Alex, ripping out her arms, legs, and her head, aswell. With blood gushing out of her every part of her body and Willow neck, it was basicly a bloodbath.
Emma, Gilda, Rave, Ray, Don, and Norman walk into the home without knocking.
"Excuse me? What do you think you're doing?"
"Ma'am, there is a demon out there who just ate our friends!" Norman says with panic.
"Also, did you like, not here the city alarm thing?" Raven says with aggrivation and annoyance.
"Yes, I did." The woman says while looking at Raven with a dirty look.
"That still doesn't explain why you're here."
"Did you not hear Norman? Our friends were just killed."
"Okay, are we going to have a problem, little girl?" The woman says with an annoyed look on her face.
"Excuse me? You do not get to call me "little girl", you old hag!" Raven shouts with anger.
"Okay, okay guys. Raven, this women is giving us shelter to stay away from those demons out there, so try not to upset her, please?"
"Okay, okay, fine. I'm sorry." Raven replies feeling annoyed.
The woman takes a deep breath and smiles.
"Aplogies for the improper introduction. Hello, my name is Sister Krone, I work with Isabelle at school, but today is my day off."
"Krone... I've heard that name before, but I've never seen her in person. Does she know about Mrs. Isabelle?"
"Um, Ms. Krone? I'm sorry for disrespecting you but, do you know anything... dark about Mrs. Isabelle?"
Sister Krone pauses and get's sweaty.
"What? No! We've been working together for awhile. She hasn't done anything dangerous or bad. Not that I know of."
Raven the remembers who Sister Krone was and what she did to her.
Raven looks at Sister Krone with shock and anger.

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