*4* Company

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Pets POV

I wake up from my nap to a loud bang of my door, Sir is mad. I get up and kneel in my spot.

"You don't have to ask"

He sounds so pissed off, I open my mouth to get peas shoved in my mouth, one going down my throat making me cough.

"Shit, I'm sorry kitten" he pats my back, "are you ok?"

"Yes sir, I'm alright" he nods, continuing to feed me.

Once the plate is done he leaves, closing the door a little too hard. I sit on my bed only to have my door opened again, I notice it's not sir. I tense up.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to touch you" he looks me up and down. "He really downgraded didn't he" the man pouts.


"Wh-What?, aren't you only supposed to talk when spoken to" he mocks me, he walks up to me, inspecting me.

"Who are you?" He sounds disgusted. I stay silent.

"Oh now you're quiet" he laughs, "what a fucking surprise, he would choose such an easy one after me" what?

"I can see it in his eyes, he still loves me, he will never hold you the way he held me, he will never love you" tears start to form.

"You will never, ever, EVER! Replace me" the tears slide down and once they start, I can't stop them.

"Aw, look at that, you're crying" he laughs.

"That's cute, you want sympathy? Comfort? I would never touch you" he steps back.

"Oh by the way, you'll only end up like the rest, goners" he leaves the room, I run into the bathroom, start the shower and throw my clothes off.

I get in and just cry, not because what he said wasn't true but because it was, he'll never love me, he'll never hold me. I'm just a pet to him, something to toy around with.

I let out a pained cry, he reminded me so much of my ex, of what he did.

"You useless pet"

He was right, still is.

I'm useless.

"I'm useless" I cry out.

His words sink in but before I could stand up someone knocks on the door.


"S-Sir, please l-leave me a-alone" I cry out, I know I'm going to get punished for that but I need to be alone.

"Kitten open the door" he sounds a little irritated.

"It's u-unlocked"

"I know it is but I need you to open it for me" I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist.

I open the door, he has a big blanket in his hands along with a bag.

"Hello sir"

"Get dressed, turn off the water, meet me on your bed" I nod.

"Yes sir" I close the door and get changed, I turn off the water and go out, I see him with a laptop, a water bottle and the big fluffy blanket.

"Come here"

I walk over, he sets me on the bed, wrapping the blanket around me.

"I don't know what he said to you but whatever it was, Isn't true, he's a manipulative person, he tricks your mind" I nod,

"O-Ok sir" he smiles and starts the movie, I haven't watched one in a couple years.

"Try to get some sleep ok"

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