*8* Cuddles

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Adrian's POV

I sigh and sit down.

I fucked up, so bad.

I shouldn't have freaked out on him like that, it was a simple mistake.

He's sleeping peacefully in his new room, he seems happy to be upstairs.

I saw him checking out the balcony, I have it locked until I work up a little more trust with him.

It's a reading corner, I feel like he would spend a lot of time out there.

Soon I want to establish a 'regular' relationship with him, I didn't go to the auction house to get another pet, it was to save someone from that horrible situation and when I saw him my heart jumped.

Maybe next meal I'll bring it up. It may be hard for him to quit the habits of being a pet but he's worth the time and effort.

I go up with lunch and open his door, he's awake and reading.

"Hi my kitten" he gives me a smile.

I love his smile, with everything he's went through I'm surprised he still smiles, I know I wouldn't.

He kneels down in front of me, I hold a piece of food in front of him, he looks at me.

"Eat" I say gently, he takes the chicken and chews it.

After the plate is empty I stay and don't dismiss him.

"I want to talk to you" he looks up scared.

"I-I'm not going back am I?" The worry in his voice makes my heart break.

"No my kitten, you aren't" he visibly relaxes, "you may speak freely"

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Well, you know when I bought you I let you do things you were previously not allowed to?" He nods, "well, that's because I wasn't looking for a pet but someone to save from that system and call my own, I was wondering if you wanted to have a relationship with me" I'm nervous.

"I would love that, but would I still be locked in a room?"

"No, you'll be sleeping in my room once we are dating, for now we need to build more trust between us, I know you don't trust me as much as you did, I'm working so hard to get that back but I know it's hard, I'll wait for you to be ready"

"Ok, will I be able to keep the collar on?"

"Absolutely, if you like it you can keep it on" he smiles,

"I will ask again next week, but how much do you trust me?"

"Enough to hold my drink at a party and to hold me at night" he blushes.

"Is there anything I could do to help gain your trust?"

"Unlock the patio?" He says unsure.

"You know why I have that locked?" He shakes his head,

"It brings back memories I don't want to remember, but I can unlock it if you would like"

"I don't want you to hurt sir, you don't have to"

"I will" I smile and stand up, getting my keys out of my pocket.

I hear the click of the lock, I open the door and nod my head, signalling for kitten to follow. He stands up and waits, I grab his hand and gently pull him out.

The wind blowing his hair out of his eyes, it looks like it's never been cut, it's well maintained though, no visible knots.

"Why don't we get you a haircut, how does that sound?"

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