*17* Suck

453 7 0

Adrian's POV

This chapter contains NSFW scenes

When John bursts through the door I cover us with the blanket.

"Fucking hell, knock!" I shout at him, he quickly apologizes before leaving.

"You still wanna-" he cuts me off,

"No" he's bright red,

"Hey you're ok" I hug him, he was finally trusting me enough to see this side of him, I kiss his forehead.

"I'll go talk to him, get dressed ok?" He nods.

"Maybe another time" I nod,

"Yea, maybe" I get up and throw my boxers on along with my sweatpants. I go downstairs to see John on the couch with Jace beside him on his phone.

"John, outside" he looks scared, he nods and kisses Jace.

"If I don't return, you know where I went" Jace nods.

"Don't hurt him to bad, I want him one last time, then you can kill him" I nod and push him outside.

"What the actual fuck happened to knocking! You do realize that he's upset about this! He just got comfortable enough around me, you know this John!" I yell at him, I'm pissed.

"Yes, I know this, I'm sorry! I didn't know you'd be doing that shit!"

"Well maybe if you don't see us downstairs knock on the fucking door! Text me you're coming over, it's not fucking hard to do!"

"Don't yell at me because you don't know how to lock doors!"

"Don't turn this around on me, it's my fucking house"

"A-Adrian" I turn around, Carson's in the doorway, his eyes are red like he's been crying,

"Whats up darling? Are you ok" I hug him,

"Yea, I just wanted to see you" I turn around to John.

"Knock next time, I'll fucking kill you if you do this again"

"Yes sir" I pick Carson up and carry him to the living room. His breathing is slow, he's asleep.

"He ok?" I nod,

"Yea, he'll be alright"

"What happened?"

"Well, we were doing things in the bedroom and your boyfriend thought it would be a fantastic idea to come into the bedroom without knocking, thankfully I covered both of us up in time, I don't think he saw anything"

"I did, you have a mole on your dick?"

"Why are you guys like this" I turn to see Paul in the doorway,

"How was your date?"

"Good, he's sleeping now, I was too until I heard yelling, everything ok?"

"Yep, everything's fine" I stand up and bring him to the bedroom.

I try to lay him down to go lock the door but he whines and clings onto me.

"I'm just going to lock the door darling I'll be right back" he lets go, I quickly lock the door and turn out the light before going back into bed.

I lay down with him, he stirs awake.

"Go back to sleep kitten, it's ok"

"B-But I'm not" he yawns, "tired" I smile.

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