*21* Dumbass

235 3 1

John's POV

This chapter contains NSFW scenes


He goes limp.

"He passed out" I pick him up and carry him to the living room.

"Jace can you grab a glass of water and a cold cloth?" He nods and goes to the kitchen. I lay Carson on the couch,

"Is he going to be ok?" I nod,

"He just overworked himself, he'll be fine" Jace comes back and hands the cloth to me, setting the glass on the table.

"Thank you" he smiles and kisses the top of my head, I lay the cloth on his forehead, elevate his feet and sit on the floor in front of the couch,

"I'll stay here till he wakes up, Harvey you can follow Jace up, I prepared a room for you"

"Thanks" Jace motions for him to follow.

Once Jace comes back down he sits on my lap,

"Good boy" he smiles.

Jace is one for praise, he likes to be told he's doing a good job. I like being the one he goes to for praise, I want to be the one telling him he's a good boy.

"You'll get a reward later if you continue to be good" he smiles, I can practically see a tail wagging behind him.

"Yes please" I smile and tuck a strand of hair behind his ear, I hear a groan from behind me. I look behind me, Carson is waking up.

"Hey there, how do you feel?" I take the cloth off,

"What happened?"

"Well, you were getting overwhelmed and started to hyperventilate, you ended up passing out"

"How long?"

"Only for about a minute, minute and a half" he nods and tries to sit up,

"Take it easy ok?" He nods again and sits up slowly, Jace gets off of me and grabs the glass of water,

"Drink this, it should help"

"Thank you" Harvey comes downstairs,

"Hey, you're awake" I stand up and leave the room, Jace following me like a loyal puppy to its owner.

I take out my phone and call Adrian.

"Hello?" He sounds like shit.

"Listen, Adrian, you are my best friend, like a brother to me but your, whatever he is, just passed out because he was overthinking about what you did, I get that you wanted to keep him safe and not hurt him but by leaving it for this long, you ended up doing more damage than what you would've done telling him when it happened, I'm just letting you know I blocked your number on his phone and got rid of any evidence you ever had on his phone, he needs to forget about you, I know you don't want to lose him but I think you've already lost him"

"I know, I know I've lost him, this is the price I pay, I was weak and I cheated, is he alright?"

"He's ok for now, if he doesn't eat soon it'll start getting bad for his health"

"All I want is for him to be ok"

"I know that, could you put Paul on the phone?"

"Sure" I hear muffled voices than Paul's voice comes over the speaker.

"Hey John"

"I need you to do me a favour"

"What's that?"

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