5. twisted roots

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Content warning for a twisted ankle in this chapter. Nothing graphic, just that it hurts and is a bit red/swollen

The fans blowing in the Big Cabin provided a billowing wave of cool relief from the sweltering California heat, though Daniel still saw Jessica fanning herself as she collapsed on one of the couches next to him.

"Apparently, the group leaders are only giving us ten minutes in here," she huffs, licking at her Dreamsicle a little before taking an impatient bite to get to the vanilla center.

"Of course they wanna kick us out into the heat," Daniel replies. "It's easy for those old hags, they're just sitting in here on their asses all day." And, speak of the devil, but his mouth involuntarily thins at the mention. It's been probably fifteen minutes, and Daniel can still feel where Johnny had grabbed his ass. The bastard was messing with him, he knew, but he didn't know why his frustrating touch had to haunt his skin, even through his clothes.

"You alright, Daniel?" Jessica asks, always seeing through to whatever he was feeling. She handed him a Fudgesicle, as she knew he liked the chocolate treat best.

"Johnny, uh..." Daniel starts, and he doesn't even know why there's any point in mentioning it, other than that he just happens to tell Jessica everything. "You know that thing where football players slap each others' asses after a game?"

Jessica raises a brow at him, but nods, her look causing Daniel to crumple up his wrapper and stick the popsicle in his mouth just to shut himself up for a second. He looks over to the other side of the vast cabin to see Johnny lounging on one of the other couches, his feet in Bobby's lap while some of his poor campers were forced to stand. Johnny must have sensed someone looking at him, and when he turned to meet Daniel's eye, he gave him that Prince Charming smile that sent a zip of heat down his spine. Honestly, his stupid hormones. If some cute girl had grabbed his ass, he'd probably be all flustered, but Johnny Lawrence? Sure, Daniel was still so flushed he was starting to sweat, but that was more out of embarrassment than anything.

"Johnny did it to Tommy, so then I did it to Johnny--I mean, I know I'll never be best friends with Johnny or anything, but I figured I'd try to be one of the guys. I think he saw it as insulting or something, though, because he...grabbed my ass. And squeezed. Like, you know, you do to a girl." Daniel would bury his face in his hands out of sheer embarrassment if his hand wasn't currently occupied with a Fudgesicle. "I'm sure he and Bobby are laughing about it right now."

Daniel and Jessica looked towards Johnny and Bobby at the same time. The two just looked as though they were talking normally, not a hint of extensive comedy or anything.

"Speak for yourself about girls getting their asses squeezed," Jessica shrugged. "Sounds like you've gotten more action than I have in months."


"I'm just saying!" Jessica fired back defensively. "Anyways, I wouldn't worry about it. It seems like you two are getting along better, and I know at least that Bobby's not gonna make fun of you."

Daniel bit his lip, but he knew Jessica was probably right. There was no need to overthink such an insignificant gesture. "Alright, so, what do you want to do next?"

"Well, we were supposed to go on an introductory hike," Jessica says pointedly. "You know, show the kids around the trails? Until you and Johnny had to hash it out over gaga ball."

"Sorry," Daniel replies, but he grins like he isn't sorry at all. He's not, especially after his epic accidental win. "Let's go, I still haven't seen around this whole place yet."

And so, they gather up the campers before they can be kicked out, and they lead them to the trails. Tommy, Susan, and Ali take their campers to a different trail to avoid crowding, while Johnny, Daniel, Bobby, and Jessica take the trail close by the gaga ball pit.

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