18. the bobby hypothesis

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"It's not bad," Larusso was trying to sound nonchalant, as if he were not adjusting to Johnny's cock, as if he didn't have this look in his eyes that could only read that he wanted to make Johnny his own personal sex toy. "Bet Bobby could do it better."

Johnny groaned, burying his face in his hands, wondering when exactly he let this this smart-aleck little shit ruin his life and plant graphic images of his friends in his head. Then he pulled his hands away and let them stray down, squeezing Larusso's ass. Yeah, that was right. It was a two-way street.

"Do you actually get off on being annoying?" Johnny asked.

Larusso rolled his eyes. "No. In all seriousness, it, uh..." he let out a soft, breathless laugh that bordered on a whine, and Johnny wished he could have recorded it. He wished he could record all of this. Cable porn, dramatic lighting and all. "It feels really good, Johnny. Like, I never fully knew what I was missing. It's so full, and, like, if I move my hips..." he rolled his hips, Johnny letting out a shaky breath at the stimulation. Honestly, it was as if he was getting touched by someone for the very first time--he felt like he was going to get blown away in a gust like a fragile dandelion. (He wondered if this was how girls felt.)

"Daniel," Johnny started, the single word a low moan, as Daniel just started to move up and down, all curious and gentle and goddamn cute. "Daniel, sweetheart--"

"Mm?" Daniel hummed, doing this enticing little rhythmic movement--up, slowly back down, roll, then back up. Only, the way he seemed to roll his hips was different each time. Johnny was practically seeing stars with just this, but it was Larusso, and he was pretty peculiar, so--

"What the hell are you doing with your h-hips? Feels good, it's just--weird..." Johnny asked, breath heavy as he gripped Larusso's hips, thumbs rubbing his hipbones.

"Do y-you not like it? I'm spelling my name--you know, empowerment? 'This dick is mine', that sort of thing." Daniel explained, expression relatively neutral for his confession, even if he did basically slow to a stop.

Johnny buried his face in his hands, face so red, he felt as if he was going to explode for a moment. "Why--Why do I find you attractive? Just--Just keep going, would you? Fuck..."

Daniel gently pulled Johnny's hands away, smiling crookedly at him. "Whatever you say, sweetheart." he replied, pressing a kiss to Johnny's lips as he lifted his hips up and back down.

He started a steady pace, Johnny spurring him on by his hands taking in every inch of Daniel he could explore (Daniel's thighs and ass both putting in considerable mentions for favorite). He tried to mask any potential noises, but Daniel seemed to be taking no such precaution, loud and energetic in sex as he was in everything else. As much as Johnny loved to lay back and let Daniel do all the work, he wondered what it would be like to have Daniel pinned underneath him, having him beg with those pretty brown eyes wide with need. Visions and ideas for the future swirled around, coupling up with the very real Daniel on top of him now, drawing him close to the edge, fast and inevitable as things always were with Daniel.

(Not that he wanted to moan out about his release like a chick. Besides, he was not coming first. He wasn't.)

"J-Johnny," Daniel had his hands on Johnny's chest as if they belonged there, and Johnny was mesmerized by the light of his eyes, the way his face flushed. "Please touch me more--mm--I need it, please..." he trailed off with a breathy moan as Johnny wrapped a hand around Larusso's length, stroking in time with how he thrusted up into him. It didn't take long after that for Daniel to come undone, thighs trembling against Johnny's skin, and the overwhelming feeling of it all sent Johnny over the edge (the edge being more like a cliff he felt himself being chucked off of) as well.

Johnny checked back in with reality at the soft sound of Daniel's whine, and he pulled his hand away as Daniel pulled off, just managing to lay himself on top of Johnny. He rested his head on Johnny's chest, Johnny running a hand through his hair and--although it would remain unmentioned between them--pressing a kiss to his head.

Johnny caught his breath, the silence spanning between them comfortable, until Johnny finally broke it:

"You really think Bobby could have done better?" he asked.

Daniel laughed at that, nuzzling into the crook of Johnny's neck. "Alright, fine, it was...decent. I wanna do it again sometime, for sure...for now, I think I need a nap..." he yawned, breath warm on Johnny's neck, something that seemed to make Johnny drowsy and content as his eyes grew heavy. He couldn't help but feel a bit gross, though, as well as how his brain seemed to nag at him about the time.

He managed to lift up his arm and checked the time. "We're good on time, but we should clean up and get going, I don't wanna fall asleep." Johnny commented, feeling the lie cold through his teeth. Part of him wanted nothing more than to fall asleep here with Daniel--he was like a human radiator, and he seemed to fit perfectly against him for cuddling--but he had a feeling that napping would somehow change things more than having sex. He didn't want to think on it, though--if he started to think on it, he would panic about the full extent of sex and Larusso. But Larusso was clearly not going to make a thing about it, so why should he?

"Alright, but I'm taking a long shower when we get home--" Daniel faltered as he sat up, blushing and avoiding Johnny's eyes. "Get back to camp, I mean. Obviously." he grabbed his shirt from up front, putting it back on quickly, along with his boxers.

"You think of the camp like home?" Johnny asked, casually enough, probably too gentle, even. He started to get his clothes back on as well, partially as an excuse to avoid Daniel's eyes as well.

"No!" Daniel fired back. "I just accidently call any place that when I'm livin' there for a while. It's nothin'..." he mumbled, and Johnny spared him a thoughtful glance. Sitting there in only his shirt and boxers, he looked almost...domestic. He wondered about romantic shit, like making pancakes in the mornings in just his pajama shirt and boxers; he wondered if he would wear one of Johnny's sweatshirts, how cute he'd look in it. Not that that sort of thing could ever happen, or that he wanted it to. He imagined he'd feel stuck, with Larusso.

(He wondered if Larusso was gonna tell whatever girl he got with in the future that he'd been with a dude before. Johnny wondered if he would, as well, and the thought filled him with panic like cold water down his throat. Well. He never was one to care about his permanent record.)

Only the closing of the backseat door and the opening of the front snapped Johnny back into reality. Daniel must have gotten dressed and went up front, so Johnny got cleaned off and did the same. He had a plastic bag of all the things to throw away, like the condom, and he wondered if he'd have to bury it in the woods. That seemed sufficient.

When he got up front, he grabbed Daniel's hand and squeezed, silently asking if everything was alright.

"You called me pet names, earlier," Daniel said, as if Johnny was so caught up in some sort of horny aura (which, fair) that he didn't remember.

"Yeah?" Johnny replied.

"Yeah," Daniel said. "I liked them...somewhat. Babe seems a little basic, though."

Johnny looked over at Daniel, vexed as he started up the car. "Do you gotta complain about everything, sweetheart?"

Daniel seemed unable to help but grin, and Johnny unable to help but mirror him. "That's better, John."

Johnny shook his head, turning back to the main road. It didn't mean anything, the pet names. He'd said more romantic things to babes on the street, until Bobby had smacked him upside the head for it. "Whatever you say, doll." He started down the road to the pizza place, thankful again for the delay, eyes on the road and not on the expression on Daniel's face.

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