16. going for a ride

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"I don't wanna do it," Tommy whined. "I'm not a little errand bitch, make Johnny do it."

As the sun started to set in golden waves over the horizon blocked by towering pines, the kids were starting to loudly complain about hunger. They had put in an order for 40 pizzas to feed all the kids and staff, and now there was just the issue of who would be picking up such a hefty order.

"I'm fine with that," Johnny shrugged, sparing a glance Larusso's way, and he seemed to meet Johnny's eyes. "I'll just need someone to help me load them up."

"I can help," Larusso offered, doing a fair attempt at trying not to sound like a too-overexcitable puppy.

"Can I come, too?" Ali asked. "It'd be nice to go for a ride, it's been forever."

"Oh, maybe," Johnny replied, doing an attempt of his own at trying not to sound too unnerved at the wrench being thrown in his plan. "Here, give me a second." he offered the group a charming smile, pulling Larusso aside.

"I guess I don't mind her coming along for the ride," Larusso murmured, looking as though he did very much mind. "I mean, yeah, we can't...go at it, but it's nothing new...I'm not so shallow that I'm not gonna let Ali come along..."

Johnny scoffed, pulling away so that he didn't hold Larusso's arms too long in front of the others. "I don't think you understand the opportunity. I was hoping...that you could go for a little ride yourself, Larusso." he whispered suggestively, his eyes locked on Larusso's so that he could drink in every delicious change of light in Daniel's increasingly needy eyes.

"Okay, maybe I am that shallow..." Daniel replied, and Johnny just grinned wolfishly at that as he watched Larusso approach Jessica, whispering something to her. Jessica nodded in sudden understanding and spoke up to where Ali could hear:

"Hey, Ali, if you go, you'll miss E.T.! I know it's your favorite, but the kids aren't gonna wait."

"Oh, you're right," Ali frowned, turning back to Johnny. "Sorry, E.T. is just too cute. You don't mind going with Daniel, though, do you? I'm sure you guys are getting along a bit better now."

"It'll be fine, we'll manage," Johnny insisted, wrapping an arm around Daniel's shoulders and giving him a playful noogie, which Daniel wrenched out of, glaring at Johnny and running a hand through his already fine-looking hair.

"Yeah, let's just go," Larusso huffed, and the two let one of the adult advisors know before heading down the path to the parking area.

"You never mentioned anything about a pizza errand," Larusso pointed out on the walk, as the area around them was filled with nothing but skipping rocks and bugs buzzing.

"Didn't wanna jinx it," Johnny replied simply, wishing he had something to do with his hands. For how long he'd gone without a drive, the car really wasn't that far off.

"What, 'cause getting with me is a dream?" Larusso asked, all smug and grinning stupidly.

"Oh, please," Johnny rolled his eyes, attempting to act nonchalant, but in truth, he was tight-lipped due to nerves. He'd had sex before, plenty of times. But never with a boy. Never with Daniel. What if it was just meant to be a hookup (and it was) but it became something life-changing?

"Johnny," Larusso started softly, breaking the silence. "You alright?"

"Oh, huh?" Johnny replied, voice clearly inattentive. "Oh, yeah, everything's good here." he fibbed, sending Daniel a charming smile that he really didn't feel was owed. Honestly, since when did he have to save face, or talk about his deep inner feelings, with Larusso?

"John," Daniel said again. "It's okay to be nervous. We don't have to--"

And Johnny actually laughed at that. At Daniel's startled expression, he laughed even more. "I'm not nervous, Larusso, honestly. It's not prom night. I got everything figured out..." he paused thoughtfully. "And what's with you calling me John? It makes me feel old..."

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