13. the haunted latrine

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A few days slip by in a haze--the camper's rehearsals, Jessica teaching at the crafts booth, Ali's campers launching a water balloon attack on Daniel's camper's only to be annihilated by Bobby's campers coming the the rescue with water guns. All in all, it's some of the best times Daniel has had in his life.

And then, in the night, there's this strange new thing going on, with Johnny Lawrence of all people. Admittedly, Johnny and Daniel could hardly find the time or privacy to fool around. They couldn't fake too many fights, after all. Once, Johnny tried to claim a shower while eyeing Daniel, but then Tommy tagged along and ended up using the stall next to Johnny. As frustrating as it was, Daniel couldn't help but be even more turned on by Johnny's own frustration.

Johnny seemed to have a lot of this planning stuff in the bag, though--he could be particularly strategic when need be. That morning, when he pulled Daniel aside and to the back of the shower facility, Daniel was met with a searing kiss. Naturally, Daniel kissed him back, though before it could escalate to anything more interesting, Johnny pulled away, his forehead rested on Daniel's.

"I've got a plan. Somewhat." Johnny whispered against his lips.

"Yeah?" Daniel asked, excitement coursing through him at any potential prospects. They hadn't really talked anything specific about what they were yet--but Daniel knew they both wanted whatever this was to keep going. Desperately. "Like the time you tried to distract everyone by claiming there was pizza in the Big Cabin?"

"Bad idea, I know," Johnny rolled his eyes. "And I'm lucky I'm still standing here. But this might actually work...you do want it to work, don't you, Daniel?" he asked lowly, breath warm on Daniel's neck before kissing the sensitive skin there.

"I...I do," Daniel tilted his head to the side slightly, gladly met by Johnny's charming--if not devilish--grin, before he pulled him in for another deep kiss.

"Things are easier when you're compliant, you know," Johnny murmured in reply, the pad of his thumb tracing Daniel's bottom lip. He seemed entranced when he did so, as if wondering how he'd never noticed Daniel's lips before.

"I didn't know you knew a word like 'compliant'," Daniel replied, and with that the tense spell between them was broken momentarily.

Johnny scoffed, but he seemed unable to help but grin a little at Daniel, and Daniel smiled back. "Just...I'm gonna tell a scary story tonight, the one about the haunted latrine? And I want you to go along with it. When the others are out and distracted, we can slip off somewhere. Alright?"

Daniel frowned a little at the thought; he didn't want to abandon his fellow counselors or scare anyone, but he also didn't want Johnny thinking he was some sort of no-fun rule follower either. "Alright, but it better be quick."

Johnny raised his eyebrows, studying Daniel quizzically. Honestly, they hadn't done everything (they had probably just scratched the surface as far as sexual things, as far as hands and mouths go), but Johnny had undoubtedly memorized every inch of Daniel with his hands alone. "And why would either of us want that?" He asked. "When we could have so much more fun...going as slow as it takes for you to beg for me...?" Johnny's hand was wondering up Daniel's thigh, teasing the inside of his shorts, but Daniel slapped his hand away.

Johnny's blue eyes lit up with worry, and Daniel shook his head, letting out a shaky breath. "I want to, but...we should wait..."

Johnny didn't look pleased, though he nodded reluctantly. "Let's go back to the others, then, before they start missing me too much."

The day ticked by in its own excruciating slowness. As he watched Ali take jabs at Bobby during lunch, Daniel met Johnny's eye, and it was all he could do to keep from pulling Johnny aside. Honestly, what would that even look like? Sorry, guys, I gotta pull Mr. Johnny away, we're gonna have a counselor discussion on what not to do when it comes to friendly peer contact.

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