Part 3: General [!]

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As soon as I had the blanket removed and folded, I noticed Jay stare at my project

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As soon as I had the blanket removed and folded, I noticed Jay stare at my project. I turned to him with a smile. "I accidentally destroyed his skin a bit too much, so I repurposed him. Intentionally, I wanted a nice puppet out of him that I could snuggle and all while he wasn't around. Sadly, during all this fun we had, I didn't take too good care of Reddie, which is why he has so many stitched up holes... But he'd do great as a suit, don't you think? Like, a onesie?", I asked. He still kinda just stared at me while I dusted Reddie off, humming quietly. Yeah... Torturing him might not be the best option, but it opened a great opportunity! ^w^ 
"He can never find out, you know?" 
"I know, I know. It would freak him out and he'd get terrified of me. But just look! He's the same size as me, and he's comfy! I nearly am done with stuffing him, I just gotta get a few certain areas before I can put some comfy clothes onto him and snuggle deep into him!" 
Jay sighed softly and got up, coming over. He put his hands on my cheeks and made me look up at him while he looked into my eyes, visibly worried. I didn't understand why, I'm all fine! 
"What happened to my sane little boy that made him go such a cruel way...", he mumbled and pulled me to his chest in a hug. I kinda just leaned against him, still confused but also surprised. 
Then again, he does have a point. What happened to my sanity? I don't think it was ever that bad, but I still feel good! 
I snuggled up to him and rested my head on his shoulder. He kept me close, not letting go. "We need to get you some serious help...", he whispered. "Us all, we've all taken some brutal hits..." I looked up to him, raising an eyebrow. "They'll see us as insane. They'll throw us into an asylum and take away Althea and Hazel. Jay, we have built our own legacy. If there's anything out there that has chosen a future for us, they also chose what we've done. This is our destiny - murdering for not only fun, but also for defence. We cannot escape our own fate, Jay." 
"Yes you can.", he mumbled quietly. "And I'll prove you wrong." 
"Well, do as you please, but now we've got a job to do." 
He nodded and got back to work while I did the same, filling up little pockets I made with cotton. But my thoughts kept going back to that talk we just had. I'm not insane, am I? No, no, an insane person wouldn't be able to perform such masterful work. An insane person wouldn't know how to handle this situation. And an insane person... 
I stopped that train of thoughts there. A bit helpless I realized that was exactly what was happening with me. An insane person would be able to perform this work. They don't know how to handle a situation, which is why they take such stupid steps. And they also have a short period of time where they can think clear... 
I kinda just stared at my work for a while, suddenly feeling bad. I dragged Jay into this. I dragged those strangers into this without them knowing what was happening. I'm literally stuffing dead bodies with cotton to escape my own problems! 
Then again, it is one hell of a beautiful work. Not many manage to do something so beautiful and stunning as this! 
With my sanity gone once again I got back to work. I'm not done after all, I still have a lot of stuffing to do... 

After nearly 3 more hours of stuffing bodies, Jay got up and stretched. "We should go upstairs before the others start to worry too much. And we gotta clean ourselves up.", he explained. I nodded and put the last piece of cotton into Red's chest cavity before covering the body up again. "We should, yeah.", I agreed and got up. He watched as I came over and grabbed my box with organs. "What are you gonna do with them?", he asked, almost scared to find out. I just gave a smile. "I don't waste food, Jay!" 
With that I left him to imagine the rest and went upstairs with my box and to our room, lying down on the bed. Today was a pretty weird day, but I still don't mind too much. only thing that bothered me was that whole insane thing. 
I opened my box and took out a finger from one of the corpses I already tossed out, nibbling on it in deep thoughts. A sane person wouldn't be a cannibal, would they be? 
No, no, there are enough sane people that are cannibals. Being one doesn't immediately mean you're a psychopath. It's like being vegan for human flesh! 
I sighed softly and kept nibbling before someone knocked on my door. A tad confused I hid finger and box beneath the bed, wiped the blood from my lips and called out for them to come in. 
The door opened and, what seemed to be a general, stepped in. 
Within seconds I had my hand on my scythe, but he just calmly shut the door. "Where's Zephyr?", he asked. I growled lowly and got up, scythe now fully in hand. 
The dude that marched into my room had clothes only a general could love. Tall, chubby man with a short beard and short black hair, seemingly unarmed. The belt he had held no weapon. 
I slowly lowered my own blade, but kept my grip around the handle tight. "Who are you?", I asked with a small growl. He chuckled a bit. "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is General Evander, but you can call me Evan." 

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