Part 24: Apologies and new Trust

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As Red 2 appeared and got to beating the living shit out of Sylvie, I just kinda stared at them

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As Red 2 appeared and got to beating the living shit out of Sylvie, I just kinda stared at them. Jay helped with spells and Jura attacked her as well, but they left Hero in peace. Said man looked kinda confused, not knowing what to do.
I didn't know what to do either, so I just headed over to Hero in hopes of somehow getting him back. He flinched away and tried to get away, uneasy. "D-Don't even come to me...", he muttered. "I don't want something else to go wrong, I keep destroying everything..."
I frowned softly before grabbing his hand. He tried to pull away, but I wouldn't let him. "Stop it... We'll talk about this once we're home, but now we have a different thing to do.", I mumbled. "I trust you to help us without pulling some bullshit, so you better do so."
Hero didn't seem to trust me at all on this, but he reluctantly gave a nod. I rubbed over his knuckles softly before concentrating back onto what's important. Hero watched too before quickly pushing me aside as Sylvie shot a spell at me. It managed to hit him, causing him to yelp loudly and fall onto his knees. She saw that and immediately attacked, but I stepped in between, protecting my husband. Sylvie raised an eyebrow. "For reals now, you'd protect a cannibal that has murdered all of you before, torturing so many people... That came surprising, honestly. And to think you'd hate that, you probably just find that really hot~" 
I growled lowly, tho was a bit embarrassed.  She wasn't wrong, however I wouldn't admit that. 
Let's be honest, a yandere killer with Hero's body and the sass of a 35 year old dark skinned woman that can't deal with the disrespect of a few rude teenagers, that's something anyone would fall for. Especially when that yandere has shown you things you couldn't imagine in your wildest dreams, did anything to make you happy and more. 
"Shut it.", I mumbled, rapier raised to her throat. She raised an eyebrow before grinning. "It's a shame that the realms are already knocked out~ So either it's giving in, or dying~", she purred. My eyes widened a bit as I noticed that she was right. No wonder that everything stayed silent... The realms didn't react anymore, passed out or too badly hurt to still fight, Jura and Jay had been knocked out too. 
Hero growled and slowly pushed himself up, pissed. Sylvie shot around to him, shocked. "Why are you still alive?!", she screeched, shocked. Hero just grinned like the insane maniac he was, tho didn't attack. 
I was confused at first, but then noticed that he was waiting for my signal. A bit surprised I gave it to him, and then all hell broke loose. 
He took all the spells that Sylvie had used on him and shot them back, visibly insane. Sylvie was fully concentrated on somehow blocking those spells, and now I realized Hero's full plan. 
He had smoothly crawled behind her, pretending to try and leave the fight, so now he was opposite of me. That meant that Sylvie had her back turned to me. 
I raised the rapier, silently thanking Hero for his insane, yet sharp mind. The demigod didn't see the blow coming, her body hit the ground a few moments after her head did. 
Hero panted a small bit, wiping the blood splatters from his cheeks. He seemed fine again, just very exhausted. A small smile crawled onto my lips as I wiped the blood from my blade, eyeing the beheaded corpse of the demigod that caused this mess. 
Hero held his side, letting out a small grunt. "Am I glad that I at least already got that baby out of me...", he mumbled tiredly. I hesitated a bit. "Where is it?" 
"It's safe, don't worry. One of my old servants has her...", he mumbled, swaying a bit. I quickly went over and held him up just as he collapsed into my arms. I kept him up, wrapping one arm around his torso to keep him up. My side got really warm really quickly, it felt wet. A bit confused I looked over, almost panicking when I saw the blood covering his shirt. It wasn't normal blood, it was pitch black. I tried to help him somehow, pressing my hand against the wound. He let out a small whine, but let me do so. "We need to get you home...", I mumbled softly. "If I'm even allowed to head home after what happened.", he muttered. "I'm still a killer that didn't receive his judgement, remember that." 
"I don't see why we would keep you here, you helped Red.", Pietro mumbled, trying to get up. From all the realms, he was the one that got messed up the worst. I went over with Hero and offered my hand, which he gladly accepted and I pulled him up. The other realms started waking up, some even trying to get up. Jay and Jura helped once they were up, luckily not badly hurt. I was relieved about that, giving them a smile. Jay smiled back and Jura gave me a small nod as they helped around. 
After that we were pretty much allowed to go through a portal and straight home, where a little baby girl was waiting with a skeleton and the others. 
Notch was the very first to notice, Cody followed only heartbeats later. He squealed and wanted to get to Jay, excited. Notch kinda just kinda stared out the window at us before he frowned, coming down to us. The others noticed us a bit later than that, coming outside and to us. 
Tho what startled me the most was the fact that Notch wordlessly handed Cody to Nightmare and then went to straight up slap Jay. 
Jay kinda stared at him before sighing. "Eh, I deserve this after doing the same to you, saying that you could die...", he chuckled, relaxing a bit. Notch was a bit teared up, but cracked a small smile. "I suppose so...", he muttered. 
Nightmare chuckled, bringing us back in. Cody happily snuggled up to him, enjoying this all. 
Everyone seemed very tense around Hero, but I genuinely didn't care at all. Now it was about us and the child, and somehow trying to bring Hero back into the family. 
But it'll be fine. I'll try my best and attempt to help him, no matter what. 

(I need a baby name for the small one, my finals start at the 22nd and end on the 29th, so that'll be probably enough time) 

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