Part 8: Suit failure [!]

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(Timeskip to Friday) (Also hardcore gore up ahead for this and possibly next chapter >:3) I was running around, murdering people in annoyance and from hunger

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(Timeskip to Friday) 
(Also hardcore gore up ahead for this and possibly next chapter >:3) 

I was running around, murdering people in annoyance and from hunger. Currently, I was nibbling on a person that had pissed me of, enjoying the flesh of my victim between my teeth. 
I had no memory of how I ended up in this situation. There was a faint memory of someone murdering me, but that's about it, nothing else was stuck in my head. 
I nibbled on a finger when I heard footsteps, frowning and shooting up. A bit confused I gripped my knife tighter, uneasy now. Nothing seemed to move at first, making me even more confused. Someone was definitely around, but I couldn't see them, even with enhanced vision. 
"Zephyr? I know that you're around, come out. I have 15 police officers with me, resistance is useless. So come out, we have someone that would like to see you!" 
I froze at that voice and started growling loudly, growing angry. This wasn't good, in any way shape or form. 
I let out a small giggle. "Don't even try your mind games with me, Evander. I ain't stupid, you know?" 
"So you're smarter than both your daughter and your husband? Because I have both as hostages. So don't do anything dumb, otherwise I'll murder both of them. Now you still have the ability to save both. However, you need to cooperate and allow us to free us of the spell put upon you.", he explained, still hidden. I looked at the direction where his voice was coming from, giggling more. "I am not under a spell, Evander. So stop bluffing. Nightmare is a clever guy, he can protect Althea and would never let that happen.", I sneered. Evan sighed deeply. "You're even more stupid than you look, Zephyr.", he complimented. I giggled and was about to reply to this when I heard the click of a pistol behind me. My eyes widened and I turned around as fast as possible, only to get a tranquilizer dart into my neck. I tried to pull it out, tried to dodge the second one, but I failed. My legs gave up beneath me and I dropped to the ground, trying to fight the darkness that started spreading over me. I gripped the grass, the knife was a few meters away. Evan came over, his eyes focused on me with the pistol in his hands. He crouched down next to me, smiling. "You never look behind you, do you?", he whispered and pulled the dart out of my throat. Shortly after I lost consciousness, collapsing. 

When I came back to my senses, I was locked in a small cell, a collar around my neck. In confusion I pushed myself up, growling. I looked around, noticing that there were two metal suits with two people inside, the heads of the suits hadn't been put on yet. To my surprise I noticed Evan sitting in between the two suits on a chair, a remote control in his hands. He had his legs crossed and a smug grin on his lips. A screwdriver was in his pocket, he took his general clothing off so he was only in a black shirt and some sweatpants, some casual clothing. I also noticed that the bigger suit was definitely moving, the person inside tried to desperately escape. 
I got pissed when I realized those were Althea and Nighty. 
"Let them go, Evan!", I hissed and got up, stumbling to the bars of the cell. Evan giggled, putting the corner of the remote against his lips, thinking a bit. "Mmmh... How about no, unless you cooperate?~", he whispered. Althea was crying, absolutely terrified and trying to escape. Evander eventually had enough and snapped at her to shut up, making her fall silent and only whimper. That however pissed off Nighty, so he growled at Evan. 
"Temper, temper~", he giggled, making Nighty hiss. 
I watched, gripping the cold metal bars. Seemingly those suits weren't able to move, some screws were lying on the ground. He must've removed the joints from them. Something else was wrong tho, they looked modified. 
I frowned a bit before sighing heavily. "What do you want, you fucker...", I muttered. He grinned and got up, putting the heads onto the suits and securing them. "Either you cooperate and let us remove that spell off of you, or we'll crush either the child or the dude.", he said, smooth as fuck. I hissed. "You wouldn't!", I sneered. He raised an eyebrow. "Will you cooperate?", he asked softly, finger on the remote. I growled. "Hell no! You don't have the balls to hurt them!", I challenged him. 
Evan squinted his eyes at me and pressed a button, making Althea screech as the suit immediately closed in on her. I gripped the bars tighter, staring in slight fear now. 
However, it didn't hurt her. It just kept her in place. 
I realized that and grinned. "Hah! A bluff!", I laughed. Evan sighed softly. "Why are you so against taking my help?", he asked, huffing. I giggled. "Because you're not helpful!", I snickered. "You cause more damage than you fix. You're like Hero, but have no fucking balls!" 
Evan growled and grabbed me through the bars, pulling me close by my collar. "Shut up!", he hissed. I kept giggling, finding this amusing. "Hell naww. I ain't taking your help!" 
Evan's hand was closing around the remote, slowly crushing it. "Oh, you will! I'll make you take my help, even if I have to burn that into your brain, Zephyr! This isn't just something you can say no to!" 
"I don't give a fuck about your damn help!" 
"Why are you this blind?!" 
Evander was very frustrated now, struggling to understand my reasoning. He figured I'd be scared for my family, but after what happened to Althea, I showed no more fear. 
Nighty finally made his move and tried to get over, but Evan was so pissed that he pressed the button on the remote. 
A screech of agony followed, the sound of metal pieces breaking bones was enough to wipe the grin off of my lips and my mind went blank. 

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