Chapter 13 - Another victim

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Dimitri... He may not have been very close with everyone but he never had any ill will towards anyone either. Now he's gone, never to come back and our remaining students have to figure out whodunnit!


Jay was once again locked in their dorm, though it was blissfully... Eerily... Silent. All the animals had passed out from exhaustion, all meaning three, and Jay was just about ready to join them. That's when they heard the announcement. Another body? Who could it be this time? With an exhausted sigh, Jay scowled and went to find the others, forgetting to lock her door on the way out.


"Everyone, gather around as I present the highly anticipated... Monokuma File!" Monokuma began passing them out.

"Why the cringe name?" Ray inquired.

Monokuma gasped in, well, probably fake offense,"Well, excuse you!"

"It's a genuine question, why the cringe name?" Ray asked challengingly.

"I like the name and I'm the Headmaster so it's staying!" He crossed his arms,"Now, read the file.*

"Fine, fine." Ray sighed, opening the file.

Stevie peeked over his shoulder and began to read the file as the others opened up their files as well.

"Damn, he's been dead for a while, huh?" Ray commented.

Jay walked into the room, bags under their eyes.

"First the goddamn animals, now this? You are evil, bear." Jay glared at him as they flopped onto a chair,"I didn't get a wink of sleep, not one! I've been chasing animals around my dorm all night! Whoever's going around murdering people, me next. Please and thank you."

"Unfortunately." Daiko nodded slowly,"And it seems like he didn't, well, die very quickly."

"So he bled out? That's kinda fucked up." Ray let out a low chuckle.

"He didn't deserve this." Terishi pulled down her mask.

"No one deserves it. Not even a... Crime Boss or a Dictator. Well, maybe a dictator." Ray murmured.

"Well, from this we can pretty much confirm that he was killed by the knife you found." Stevie pointed.

"So, who is it?" Jay inquired,"And where's everybody else?"

"Dimitri." Akira pointed to the body on the floor,"And the other two are probably making out."

"Yeah.." Ray sighed.

"Oh well." Akira shrugged, starting to look around.

"Alright, who wants to accuse before I say who actually did it, blow everyone's minds and break Scott's heart?" Ray asked.

"Jeff." Scott pointed.

"For fuck's sake, it's not me." Jeff crossed his arms.

Jay made a face at Akira,"Making out? Really?"

"Mhm, Ash and Kira are totally into each other." She nodded.

"Yup, probably flirting and doing more disgusting lovey-dovey shit whole they're at it. Anyway, pzzzt! It ain't Jeff." Ray chuckled.

"Damnit!" Scott snapped his fingers.

"Hey!" Jeff pointed.

"Anyone else?" Ray asked, sending a quick reassuring grin Stevie's way.

"Hm, that girl." Scott pointed to Yūrei who just glared at him.

"Scott, do you give a shit about her? Think about who you were just hanging out with." Ray sighed, getting bored.

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