Chapter 27 - All Over

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The end of this hell is nigh.


When the elevator doors opened, the courtroom was... Different. All decorated in black and pink, elegant curtains and a throne. The throne was covered by a red curtain.

"And now... The final showdown begins!" Monokuma announced as the lights flicked off.

All of a sudden, flaming torches lit up the room and a woman was revealed, once Jay knew all too well. She was tall, her long grey hair trailing down her back. She had a pair of dusty green eyes, glasses and a little pink flower in her hair. The woman smirked, holding Monokuma close to her chest.

"Jay!" She feigned a smile.

"Candle." Jay glared at her.

"Uh, Jay, who is she?" Daiko asked slowly.

"Aw, little Dai. My name is Candle." She hummed,"I'm Jay's older sister."

"Wait, what!?" Akira looked around at them.

Jay sighed,"It's true.."

"So you're the pyromaniac that I'd get along with?" Akira raised a brow, getting a nudge from Stevie.

"The hell wid ye work fir the Mastermind fir?" Scott questioned.

Candle was silent,"Can I get a translation?"

"Just ignore him." Jeff sighed.

"Whatever you say." Candle hummed,"Now, how about we bring out the big man, himself?"

"The Mastermind.." Stevie whispered, knowing his identity.

"And here he is!" Candle announced, the curtain rising.

There he was... Dimitri... And he burst out into maniacal laughter.

"Bet you weren't expecting me now, were you?" He winked, still laughing.

Stevie bit her lip. The man she so hated. The one behind the cause of all their suffering... So close to her.

"Why? Why would you do this!?" Daiko yelled.

"For her." Dimitri purred,"For Junko Enoshima, of course."

Stevie locked eyes with Akira before turning to Dimitri,"You knew her? You knew the Ultimate Despair?"

"Of course I did!" Dimitri smiled,"She saved me and my siblings!"

"Saved you?" Akira furrowed her brow.

"I was filled with so much despair over never being able to find or meet my parents... But she rescued me. I was in her debt and so had to show my appreciation for her somehow." Dimitri explained.

"So... You put us here to suffer-" Stevie began.

"For her, yes, but also my own amusement." Dimitri shrugged.

"What the hell's your excuse, Candle?" Jay snapped their head furiously towards her older sister.

Candle merely shrugged.

"Ya have nuhin' to say?!" Scott went to step forward but Jeff held him back.

"She isn't worth your anger." Jeff spoke calmly.

Scott shoved them to the ground,"Stop touchin' me!"

"Temper, temper." Dimitri purred,"Now, I'm giving you all a choice."

"A... Choice?" Akira cocked her head to the side.

"Of course, I always play by the rules and am fair." Dimitri nodded,"You can all either stay here for the rest of your feeble lives... Or choose to leave."

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