Chapter 3: Lunch Gone Wrong

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Sophia was fighting a war inside her head. On the one hand, she could sit with her friends. However, on the other hand, she wasn't sure if she wanted to. She decided to sit with them when she saw hope and not madness in their eyes when she sat at the table. Emma apologized first for pushing her too much, soon, the others followed the example. After a while, the others left to get seconds. This left her and Emma alone at the table. "Sophia, why don't you want to go to the party? It might be fun." said Emma, trying to convince her. "Well, mainly because Madison isn't really what you would call a "true friend", and you know that." answered Sophia. "Well, who knows? What if she's nice in the inside." Emma stated. "I doubt it...," said Sophia. "Come on! It can't be that bad! I bet you the party will be fun!" said Emma, trying to persuade her. "But... what about Madison? I don't think she is nice at all... she isn't even respectful to teachers." said Sophia, not wanting to budge. "Fine..." Emma sighed, "But we will have fun without you then..." Emma says, trying the hardest she can, trying to persuade her to come to the party. Sophia sighs, saying, "I'll think about it..." Emma yelled, "YES! FINALLY, I KNEW YOU'D COME! I always believed in you!" Everybody in the cafeteria turned at them to see what the yelling was about. Emma waved shyly as Sophia sighed. "What was that about...? Such crazy people..." Aaron asked eyebrows raised. "Well... I convinced her to think about going to the party!" Emma bragged. Just then Madison approached them, with her followers surrounding her. She then "accidentally" spilled her entire tray of spaghetti all over Sophia. Sophia cried, gasping in horror. Sophia jumped up and ran to the bathroom to wash the spaghetti off her pants. "Oops..." Madison said, sarcastically sitting down in the empty seat that Sophia was sitting on. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Stacy yelled in Madison's face. Stacy got up to check on Sophia while Aaron was about to punch Madison in the face. "Aaron! Don't do it! She's not worth it..." Emma said.  

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