Ranking of students, yukinoshita (COTE part 3)

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Very naicu

Hope they don't exchange kei for horikita again like in season 1. Seriously, don't. I will be unhappy if I see black haired tsundere get with mc again. Kei and kiyotaka is best ship. Don't @ me. Actually, do. I will fight you. 

Anyways, on with the chapter.

On the second day of school, even though it was technically the first day of classes, the majority of the day was spent going over policies and rules. Many of the students had their expectations completely blown away by how nice and friendly the teachers were. Having already made a big commotion the other day, Sudo was lef alone as he slept like a log during class. The teachers noticed him sleeping, but no one made an indication as to stop him.

'Kukuku. Sleep all your points away, dog-kun.'

Ryuuen was laughing to himself.

'Lucky we decided to restrain for one month. If I didn't rule over the class, they might not have behaved quite as well. Still, mistakes were made. The school really screwed us over, huh.'

After all, deciding to listen to the lesson or not is our choice, so the teacher wasn't concerned. Is this how teachers interact with students that are no longer part of compulsory education?

"Paid a 100 000 yen a month for sleeping in class, huh. This school really is unique."

Hachiman remarked.

Sensei was still fuming about that.

"Surely there's some sort of penalty for that right?"

Mai asked, incredulously.

In this relaxed atmosphere, it soon became lunchtime. Getting up from their seats, the students started to go out to eat lunch with their acquaintances. I couldn't help but look in envy towards the others. Sadly, I wasn't able to make any close friends with my classmates.


The only person who noticed my feelings sneered at me.

"... What. What's pitiful?"

"'I want someone to invite me. I want to eat lunch with somebody.' Your thoughts are really obvious."

 Iroha: "Pfft. I love the way you two interact! Are you dating?"

Horikita looked away. 

Ichinose wasn't sure, but she thought horikita's face had a slightly red tinge.

Iroha was trying to see what horikita was doing, but at this angle, she gave nothing away.

Ayanokouji wasn't sure why kei was hugging him so tightly.

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