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Just like that cold kiss Rindou gave you, there isn't any warmth between the both of you. Your relationship doesn't have any romance in it. Even though both of your fingers intertwined as the both of you walk down the school halls, neither of you could feel the slightest bit of warmth and love from each other's touch.

You do not understand him. Rindou obviously doesn't like you but he still likes to put on a lovey-dovey couple act with you. 

Some people say you are just lucky, being able to hook up such a big fish. You never asked the reason behind why he'd agree to that silly bet, maybe to him this just felt like a thrilling game.

Whenever the both of you went out on dates, you like to hold onto his hands tightly, declaring the power you hold. You are never afraid of losing him because you never owned him, the reason why you kept your relationship on a high profile is just to avoid those bullies in school. And it worked, since you started dating Haitani Rindou, all the bullies stopped, everyone avoided you, except for Rika.

" are dating THE Haitani Rindou?!!!" Rika exclaimed

"The one and only~" 

"Y/n, I'm so happy for you! I want a boyfriend too!!"

"Well, all I can say is. Just run up to him and yell at his face saying you love him and he is yours~"

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You never once thought of holding onto Rindou's hand. Even standing beside him is already a dream come through

When he first held your hand, you turned around to look at him in disbelieve

He remains his cold expression and said "Since we are together now, we should at least act like it"

You thought your relationship with Rindou would escalate further but unfortunately holding hands is the furthest it could go. 

The both of you are too much alike, prideful and strong-headed person and according to physics theory, the same magnets repel each other, that's why you can never enter his heart and neither can him to yours

One Friday night when you went back home, Kazutora is already at home. You are busy tidying up your desk when he entered your room, handed you a plate of freshly cut fruits. He stood by the door and gaze at you

"What do you want?" you ask, eyes still fixed on the desk

Kazutora pouted his face and started acting cute "Let's go out tomorrow. My art teacher assigned us to paint a painting of the nature, it would be boring to go alone" 

You smiled playfully and declined "I have an extra class to attend to "

"Can you not go?"


Kautora lowered his head, feeling disappointed "You always agreed to come with me..." 

"Right now it's... different"

You lied, the real reason why you declined is that Rindou demanded that you both go on a date every weekend. 

"Fine then..."  Kazutora left the room.

The next morning. In order to avoid raising any suspicions, you woke up extremely early and sneaked out of the house.

You've reached the destination Rindou told you, he haven't arrived yet so you sat on the long bench at the park. After a while, you spotted the blond-haired man walking towards you, he's wearing a white oversized hoodie, holding a pink bag in his hand, the morning sun shining down his figure making him look like an angel from the heavens.

Regretting you // Rindou Haitani x Y/nHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin