Chapter 1. A Second Try, Do Or Die.

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Within an average city live hundreds, even thousands of people: all bustling around, each going about their own individual and unique life; the lawyer is on his way to prevent a false murder accusation, the kid fights in the streets to protect his family, the woman works tirelessly to provide food for her children.

The world is a giant and intricate place, with many lives simultaneously intertwined yet also separate. However, not all of these are so remarkable or even relevant to others.

Inside a small apartment on a quiet street, Pheo sat on a couch; an absolutely unremarkable man by all means. And he was very aware of that, for being remarkable is exactly what he wished to avoid. As a child, the only goal Pheo has ever had was to simply be "someone". Physically average as well, he had black hair, blue eyes, and somewhat short with a height of 5'6 (ca. 168 cm). His statue was slightly wide, but he was fit enough not to be considered chubby.

Regardless of whom, he just wanted to matter, that was all he ever wished for. Yet here he was, awake at 6 a.m., preparing for an office job for which he had not a single care. He changed into his bland suit and stared at himself in the mirror. All he felt was disappointing misery, his very presence tasted like a stale potato chip. He sighed as he muttered to himself, "I wish I could try again."
In truth, that's not what he intended to say. He wanted to inspire himself, to be hopeful:

"Maybe eventually."

"You still have a chance."

"It'll be fine."

All these phrases circled around in his head, Pheo so wished to convince himself they were true, but to no avail. He shook his head violently, trying to force himself to snap into it.

With a long sigh, Pheo grabbed what he needed and walked outside, only to be met with a depressingly monotone city and the sun shining a little too bright into his eyes. It is almost comical how depressing his life could be at times. He stared at the ground and began his trip to work.

As he stared at the solid concrete, paying no mind to the many individuals walking to and fro around him, he couldn't help but contemplate. Thoughts circled in his head endlessly: what he could have been, what he should have been, what he should have done, and most of all, how he will never get to, and that he can never try again; such is the harsh cycle of life.

However, he managed to try to uplift his spirit by reminding himself:

"At least you are free from it"

Still wrapped up in his thoughts, Pheo failed to pay attention, as he suddenly saw the ground below change from the almost comfortingly usual sidewalk to the alien side of the road. He kept walking for a few seconds before the realization hit him. He looked up in panic, frantically checking around him, and just as he feared, there was a car speeding far too fast to stop in time.

For a moment, it felt as if time slowed down, as he stared at the impending doom in front of him like a deer in headlights. At this time, the thoughts in his head ran so rapidly that he couldn't even comprehend what a single one said. However, as his death neared inch by inch, the last thought he heard before the final breath was a simple yet a powerful one:

"Well... Okay."

And then it happened: a crash, an unbearable surge of pain, and then it all went dark...

"A second chance? Hmm... I suppose another wouldn't hurt."

Throughout the endless void of nonexistence, those words rang out clear as day. The soft, tender voice serenaded Pheo's ears in ways he did not know were possible, yet what it said was endlessly confusing; until it all went to white...

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