Chapter 4: In Battle They Revel, Metal Meets Metal!

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Again and again, bare skin met wood and stone. Again and again, Liz and Eli beheld as he managed to utilize genius ideas with a seemingly idiosyncratic method. It could be called amazing: how one was so careful yet reckless, as if his very existence was a living contradiction.
Yet again and again, he continued and persevered. Eli soon related to Liz as at that point they both often left to do things and came back to Pheo continuously training again.
Though he seemed much more conscious of himself, as they observed, he seemed to have random yet very determined schedules for rest.

It was merely two weeks later when they came back to a truly marvelous sight. Pheo seemed to be flying through the air, smiling and laughing in pure ecstasy in spite of the scars and bruises covering his body.
As he reached his climax he nearly stopped in the air, as the sun nestled behind him, he turned and waved at Liz and Eli while yelling, "Hey guys! I think I got a hang of it!"

As the two were amazed by such an innocent and pure sight of grace, they couldn't help but smile widely. The sheer unadulterated joy that Pheo gave off could force a smile out of any individual as long as they didn't have a cold heart. He floated in front of the sun, as if he was some kind of symbol.

Soon he began to rapidly descend. However, he used a grab on a faraway tree pulling himself toward it at an angle, and then swung himself forward. This time he zoomed around at absolutely insane speeds, weaving his way through a countless amount of trees and rocks without trouble. Adrenaline rushed through his veins: rather than danger or fear, his head was filled with pure joy and thrill. A rush of endorphins allowed him to ignore injuries and dangers; rather, allowing him to ride heights, which were incomparable to anything he could have possibly imagined.

Having swung dangerously through the thick forest he directed himself back towards Eli and Liz, as he approached rapidly they braced themselves cautiously, in case he would accidentally slam into them. As he grew closer by the second, he yelled:
"I also figured out what the other spell was and practiced it a bit!" He announced excitedly, taking his sword from his hip and throwing it at Liz and Eli. Though they stood still as they knew it'd pass just over their heads; as it did, Pheo loudly yelled "Swap!"

Immediately, he and the sword swapped places: the sword lacking the momentum had fallen short and landed safely in front of Liz and Eli. They changed their focus to Pheo who did not consider his still exceptionally high momentum and winded up crashing roughly into the ground.

With a groan, Pheo slowly arose as he shook and wiped all the dust off as he grumbled under his breath "Ow..."
With a sigh he jumped up, his previous jovial attitude returning, as he turned around and did his signature smirk "Ta-da~", extending his arms. Liz and Eli giggled a bit as they clapped, and Liz rolled her eyes a bit. She smiled, walked up to Pheo and patted his shoulder.

"It's great to know you were able to adapt to magic quickly and even managed to figure out the swap spell. I didn't think I'd ever genuinely say this a few months ago, but now, I actually believe you can competently take care of yourself in the wild!" She exclaimed with glee as she clasped her hands together.

Pheo laughed awkwardly, "I know that was a compliment, but I feel a little insulted," He said jokingly with a small laugh.
"So, are we ready to finally set out?!" Pheo asked, unable to contain his excitement.

Liz shook her head, eliciting an immediate sigh of disappointment from Pheo before explaining:
"There is one last step. Don't worry, though, it's very simple and incredibly quick. Basically, you need to join the adventurers' guild."

Pheo's eyes lit up with excitement, "Ooh! An adventurers' guild! Wait, why though?" As much as Pheo was excited by the very familiar term of an adventurers' guild, as he began to consider his mission, he also started to question the point of enrolling in an adventurers' guild.

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