Chapter 6: Fantastical Fabled Fairies are Fairly Fierce Fellows

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After the solemn reminiscing and introduction of Pheo's new and legendary armor, not much else had happened. It was simple idle chatter and thoughtless gazing into the dense and dangerous forest which was paired with the endless blue sky.

Now and then a hungry beast attempted to foil their adventure, but this was a fairly used trail, hence any relatively strong monsters had been pushed far away. So every monster, wolf, bear, and wild boar alike, was easily dispatched by Liz's incredible magical prowess without a need to stop.

Eventually, after many days gone by, Liz patted Eli's shoulder, signaling for him to stop the horse. He did so as everyone left the carriage and stood staring forward. Eli and Liz seemed to understand what was going on, but Pheo was still left in the dark. Pheo tried to walk forward, but Liz grabbed his arm and shook her head. Realizing Pheo's confusion, she explained:

"Anywhere else, for a mage of my level, it would be easy to put a cloaking spell over a carriage and pass through a barrier. However, there's a magical barrier over the domain of the fairies by the queen herself, whose magic prowess surpass mine. Now barriers like this are incredibly large of course, and don't take much to get by. It's due to the sheer difference in power, that I can only get us through if I focus cloak spells on us specifically."

Pheo nodded in understanding as he took in all of that information: "Wow, can't believe the Queen is that strong!"

Eli popped into the conversation: "Queens and kings are usually incredibly strong. It's somewhat of an equalizer, everyone has an ace, even if one is stronger than the other, the weaker one can still permanently wound the stronger one and doom their kingdom."

Pheo sat like an obedient student, listening. Concerned, he turned toward the carriage, "Well, what do we do with this then?"

Liz turned to it as she and her staff began to glow, "This." She muttered as she continued to glow brighter and brighter a magic circle appeared under the carriage and horse, a blue transparent magical box arose around it, before both the box and carriage with horse disappeared out of existence.

Both Pheo and Eli stared in surprise, while Liz scoffed and commented: "Pocket dimension, sacred level magic."

She turned her attention back to the path, "Even though we'll be on foot, we still can't just teleport there, otherwise the magic will be detected. Sorry, we'll have to walk a little, I know the directions to the capital that contains the castle and the Queen." With that, she had cast a quick spell that put a transparent blue cloak of magic upon them.

Pheo shivered in reaction while Liz and Eli walked forward, as they passed through an invisible barrier, Pheo swiftly followed, Once Pheo passed through the barrier, the very air itself felt strange, as if the very presence of air was inherently full of life and energy. Every single breath was magical; Pheo hadn't even realized that he had been standing still, as he had slow breaths and moved his hands through the air.

Though before continuing on Pheo couldn't help but question, "Wait, I get why we can't teleport now, but why not earlier?"

Liz shrugged, "Its kind of complicated, but we need the carriage for supplies, well the fairy kingdom is the one place we don't, but otherwise we do. Also, teleporting it wouldn't be safe, teleportation takes high levels of precision, I'd have to know the exact position of everything in the carriage, including each individual item in the boxes, otherwise if I accidentally teleport two things inside each other I'll cause an atomic anomaly that screws with the thermodynami-"

Liz looked around and realizes no one understands what she just said, she sighed and rolled her eyes, "Two things become one, matter breaks, big boom."

Suddenly the two nodded in understanding. Pheo shivered again, "While on the topic of magic, what is up with this air?"

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