Burdened Loyalty

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Athy's Pov

It's been a few days after the palace incident, and there's been a lot of gossip outside the palace, as predicted. As for Lucas, on the other hand, he is now officially living in the Ruby Palace chambers, right next to mine...
Which he seized as an opportunity to visit me anytime he pleases through the balcony, regardless if it is day or night, he simply does not care.
I also had to put up with his fake acting in front of the staff and now... he has his own personal fan club between the Ruby Palace maids.

"Princess, his majesty has ordered your presence" said an unfamiliar maid barging in

"Father is requesting my presence!??" I ask enthrallingly


"Alright, please just wait, I'll be out shortly," I say as I race to change into a more suitable outfit. Today is the day that my father finally notices me for once! I'm overjoyed!!!


After I finish getting dressed, I follow the maid into the palace I've always wanted to see since I was a child... even if it's only for one day, at least I'm finally getting that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I decide to take a look at my surroundings as the maid leads me inside; it wasn't as luxurious as I had expected it to be, and now that I think about it, compared to every other palace, my one appears to stick out even more... 'Damn you, Lucas! You improved mine beyond the Emperor's and Jennette's! Are you out of your mind!?' I think to myself, lost in contemplation. 'Perhaps father prefers things plain and simple?' I finally snap out of my reverie, when I accidentally bump into the maid's back. She appears to have come to a halt.

"Ah, my apologies- haha" I apologise awkwardly. The maid looks irritated at me but says nothing.

"We have arrived, your highness," she replies monotonously, pointing across the corridor to a massive door.

"Knock on the door then wait, you will be welcomed in shortly" she says then walks away before I could even utter a thank you

I take a step forward and knock on the door, my stomach churning with anticipation of what my father would say to me. Wait- WHAT IF HE WANTS TO PUT ME TO THE TEST!? He may want to secretly test to see if I'm a good match for him as a daughter! If that's the case, I'll have to be prepared for any questions that arise; I didn't spend my entire life studying for nothing! I'll make an effort to impress him-

"Excuse me for the late arrival, I greet Her Royal Highness Princess Athanasia," a handsome young knight remarked as he opened the door and bowed, It was Lord Felix Robane

"Excuse me for the late arrival, I greet Her Royal Highness Princess Athanasia," a handsome young knight remarked as he opened the door and bowed, It was Lord Felix Robane

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"Oh, it's alright, do not worry, I also greet Lord Robane" I answer politely

"Please, simply call me Felix, and allow me to escort you to where his majesty is seated," he offers, his hands out and a warm smile on his face.

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