The punishment

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"Your imperial edict has been heard, your majesty, I shall do as you command," he answers flatly, bowing to him.

"Good, it seems like you've finally learnt your place"

"Yes, you're majesty," he says as he gently lifts me from the floor while making it appear as harsh as possible. His grip on me was light, he must still be quite reluctant to do this.

"Blessings and glory upon the sun of the Obelian Empire" He says as we both took our leave without looking back. I could still feel his gaze searing my back before the door had finally shut behind us.


The entire trip to the imperial dungeon was deafeningly quiet. When we arrived, I finally spoke up

"I sense you don't want to do this... you're a good man, and father is very lucky to have you... don't worry, I'll be alright, you may punish me" I say holding back any signs of fear

"How could you say that!? No! I'm not going to hit you! If it comes down to it, I'll take the punishment for you"

"And who is receiving a punishment for who exactly?"

We both freeze and turn our heads to the voice that was behind us.

"Who are you!?" Felix shouted, unsheathing his sword from thin air

"Wait- Felix don't!"

"What?" He asks lowering his sword after hearing my plea. It was clear who that person was. That arrogant voice could be heard from miles away.

"Lucas! Come here right now! Get out of the shadows and stop acting as if you're the grim reaper!" I yell leaving Felix confused as to why I was ranting at the air

"Haaaaa, whatever" he sighs as he appears out of nowhere in front of us.
"Care to explain what you're doing in the dungeons, the two of you? Alone?" He says while eyeing the two of us

"Care to explain what you're doing in the dungeons, the two of you? Alone?" He says while eyeing the two of us

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"As usual, I perceive your paranoia..."

"Princess, who is this young lady?" Felix inquires



"Ah- you're not a woman? Please accept my apologies! Please accept my sincere apologies! It's just that your features resembled that of a woman."


"Alright! I truly apologise if what I said offended you; I will never say it again, and if you'd like, I will even take a Knights oath" he says in a serious manner

"Uhh, no" says Lucas baffled by his courtesy

"Felix, this person right here is actually my friend you see..."

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