My wish

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*The next day*

"Good evening princess! How are you on this fine day?" Ask Felix

"I'm great! Oh here's a little something I had Lucas make for you, it's my thank you gift"

"It's basically a sword infused with mana, you can wear it as a brooch or turn it into a real sword as it can change sizes to your personal preference- but if it's not to your liking then

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"It's basically a sword infused with mana, you can wear it as a brooch or turn it into a real sword as it can change sizes to your personal preference- but if it's not to your liking then..."

"No! Thank you princess! I really appreciate you gift I'll make sure to treasure it forever- no, actually I'll turn into a family heirloom!"

"Heirloom!? You don't have to go that far.. it's not much anyways.."

"Nope! I've made my decision, it will be the Robane's family official heirloom!" He exclaims ecstatic

"...haha, ok, if you say so" I giggle

"And what are you two laughing about?"

"Lucas! Quit appearing out of thin air like that!"

"Whatever.. sooo, what's carrot top doing here?"

"Please just address me normally, sir magician! My name is Felix (T ^ T)"

"...nah, too much effort"

"Seriously Lucas?"


"...nothing, anyways what do you want?"

"Oh I need to show you something, come with me"

"What!? But Felix-"

"It's fine princess I'll take my leave early now"

"Oh umm.. ok then, goodbye then Felix"

"Blessings and glory upon the star of Obelia"


"Alright what was so important that Felix just had to leave early?!"

"Take a walk with me?"



Felix's Pov

"What is that?"

"Pardon sire?"

"That thing that's on your chest, what is it?"

"Oh this? It was a gift I received from one of the noble ladies"

"Throw it away, it's giving me a headache"


"Also Felix, dare lie to me one more time and I'll personally be the one to have your tongue cut off, do I have myself clear?"

"...yes, your majesty"


Athanasia's Pov

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