-Chapter Two- The Order of the Phoenix

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Nearly twenty-four hours had passed since Oliver Manannán had visited Hogwarts and had been assigned his secret mission by Dumbledore. Dusk had set in and Oliver was sat out on his back porch as he watched his three beagles play in the large garden that stretched from his house to the start of the woodland area.

Oliver was close to shouting at Galahad, as the boisterous nature of the beast was on full display. Gawain and Gaheris were less lively than their companion, however, they were by no means meek either.

'Galahad, enough.' Said Oliver, as the wayward beagle stared at him sorrowfully.

'Don't give me that look. I know your itching to get out and spread out. But we can't tonight. I'm expecting visitors.' Said Oliver, as Galahad simply tilted his head to one side and struggled to comprehend the wizard's meaning. The tilt soon turned into a bow as he slipped off the porch and ran onto the grass.

'Visitor.' A high pitch voice rang out from within the kitchen behind him. The origin of the speech came from an enchanted cuckoo clock, which instead of a standard cuckoo bird for a feature, contained a fiery phoenix.

Oliver walked through the back door to his home, headed through the kitchen, down the hallway and out of his front door. There, stood at his estate's main gates, were the two Hogwarts Professors.

'Mr Mannanán!' Said Dumbledore, as he smiled warmly.

Snape at Dumbledore's side, remained stoned faced, as though his attendance that evening was under duress.

'One moment gentleman.' Said Oliver, as he flicked his wrist, caught his wand from beneath his jacket and directed it towards the gates.

The air distorted and the metal gates coiled back, providing an opening, that allowed the two older wizards to enter his land.

'Thank you.' Said Dumbledore, edging his way forward. Snape followed closely behind as he gave tentative glances around. He was checking to see if they were being watched.

'Come inside.' Said Oliver, as he waved his wand to close the gates behind them. 'Do you feel that you've been followed?' Asked Oliver towards Snape, when he noticed the professor checking the distance.

'Doubtful. I apparated us here straight from Hogwarts. As far as anyone knows, we are both in my office. In a meeting, about this year's curriculum.' Replied Dumbledore, as he strode confidently on, not caring to assess the area behind him.

The three wizards all entered the house, Oliver quickly closed the door behind them. Entering the room directly to the right of the front entrance, Dumbledore and Snape found the room to be stylishly decorated. The walls were adorned by visibly aged portraits, they were all of Oliver's noble and notable magical ancestors. The furniture was equally ornate. Four large, each spectacularly different, armchairs, were spaced out around a copper-coloured coffee table. The table was completely metallic, three hippogriffs faced outwards, their wings held up a circular top.

'Can I get either of you a drink?' Asked Oliver.

'No, we're good. Again, we are most pressed for time.' Replied Dumbledore.

Snape nodded in agreement, as he eyed the room's décor, its colour theme had a very distinctive Ravenclaw and Gryffindor feel to it; and he detested it.

Oliver took an empty chair as he clocked Snape's disgust.

'Wondering again why we have come to you tonight?' Asked Dumbledore.

'I've given it some thought, thinking about the mission you've asked me to undertake. I just assumed you wanted to talk in more detail about it. Is that not the case?' Replied Oliver, incredibly curious to their attendance, if that was not the reason.

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