-Chapter Nine- Draconis Eaters

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The next day Oliver confided in both Finikis and Jynx the progress he had made. Telling them together over breakfast. He was extremely sleepy, after staying up to read all the Domantas letters, but he forced himself up early so he could confess to the others.

Finikis was furious at first. He shouted and protested loudly that Oliver had not told him about his great-grandfather's journal months ago. Oliver gave an explanation that he needed time to review it all, without intrusion, and if it provided anything concreate, he would have come forward. It did little to appease Finikis. He demanded the journal immediately, which Oliver relinquished willingly.

'I'm sorry. I didn't want to deceive. I just needed to focus. And because of that I found these letters written by Domantas himself.' Said Oliver.

'But we have only got your word that you didn't find the bracelet as well.' Said Jynx sharply.

'If I had, and I genuinely intended to keep that from you. Would I still be here?' Reasoned Oliver.

'Maybe. You could be just trying to mislead us again.' Replied Jynx.

'Jynx. Stop. He might deceive us vith the book. But I still trust him. Promise you find the bracelet. Ve do that together.' Said Finikis, looking up from the journal he had just received.

'I give you my word friend. When I know where it is. We will go there together.' Replied Oliver, genuinely.

The two wizards shared a grin that indicated to both, that Finikis had started to forgive. He wasn't there fully. But it was enough for Oliver to know that that journey had begun. Jynx however, was far less forgiving and her face showed it.

The rest of the day and the following week was incredibly uncomfortable for Oliver, as Jynx barely left his side. She watched him closely in almost everything he did. He returned to pretty much living in the library pouring over book after book.

The name Lenark and the Draconis cave was the most important subject for research. Oliver naturally asked Finikis and Jynx about them, following his confession, but neither had heard anything about them before. It was frustrating for him, as he looked over book after book. Oliver fully read the only books in the library that could possibly offer insight. A book on the Noble Houses of Eastern Europe was read entirely, twice by Oliver. And there was no mention of Lenark. There was another book, Magical Locations in the Baltics, which Oliver poured over. There was no mention of the Draconis cave. The research seemed incredibly fruitless in pushing the search for the Bracelet further.

Oliver had returned to having his early morning run, now that the bitter blizzard weather had relented. It was still icy cold in the month of February, but the snow had stopped and for the most part it was dry. The wind brought the cold air to below freezing against him as he raced, but it was refreshing and rejuvenating. It was now the second Monday in the month and Oliver had risen early, to complete his run, and be ready for when Jynx got up. She was taking him to a neighbouring noble magic house. She had secured access to their library. Oliver was excited about the opportunity to review someone else's stocks. This particular library belonged to the magical family known as the Latgales. It was not just the access to this library that got his blood pumping, it was the understanding that the Latgales' passion was for chronicling the region, both the magical families of the states and the geography of the states. He was incredibly hopeful that this day could bear promising fruit.

Returning to Tree Top Castle after completing his run. Oliver showered, ate, and sat in the library waiting for Jynx. He pulled out the Domantas letters that Finikis still let him retain. The Archduke's focus was reading over his great-grandfathers journal. And fortunately for Oliver, Finikis was a slow reader.

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